Among the critical
problems affecting the people and future sustainable growth are drying up of the Aral Sea
and flooding of the Caspian Sea, shortage of safe drinking water, unsustainable
agricultural practices, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, inefficient use
of energy, nuclear pollution, pollution from mining and other natural resources extraction
industries, and human encroachment on ecological systems. According to the Kazakstan
National Human Development Report 1996, combined losses of natural potential from
desertification alone could already be comparable to the country’s total GNP.
I. Government will establish its policies and
priorities and improve its capacities in co-ordination to deal with these complex
problems. Over the next 3 years, Government expects UNDP to be among the main partners in
the preparation and implementation of the national Agenda 21.
- That is why starting from 1994 two projects
were prepared and fulfilled with the financial support of UNDP and Government in order to
implement first steps for the creation of the National Agenda 21. Within the framework of
the of the first aid "National Action Plan for Sustainable Development in the
RK" (National Agenda 21; KAZ/95/017) UNDP assisted to the Govt to get acquainted with
the China Republic experience for the creation of the national agenda 21 and also the
experiences of the neighbour republic Kyrgyzstan were its own National environmental
Action Plan was prepared with the help of World Bank Consultants. Having defined the
directions and the strategy at the first stage the Government started the next stage with
the work on the programme KAZ/97/009 Rolling Framework Environmental Programme for
Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The activities upon the programme
were practically finished and followed with the main result as the creation of the basis
for the utilisation of the natural resources. As a result the activities for a short
period of time the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) has been developed within the
active co-operation of UNDP and other donor organisations. The programme assisted in
defining the environmental priority actions for the country and finalised by the
development of NEAP with the participation of local experts, scientists, representatives
of Govt and NGO and also international experts. The logical continuation of the Rolling
framework environmental programme was the creation of the National Environmental Centre of
Sustainable Development of RK (NEC SD), which is one of the main structure of the Ministry
of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of RK (MNREP). NEC SD consists of several
committees whose activities directed on monitoring, impact assessment and implementation
of the projects of priorities from NEAP. The network of training and workshops for the
preparation of staff were organised within the frame of the above mentioned programmes on
the local, regional and international levels. Assessment and elaboration of the
recommendations were provided quaterly during the work of the Steering Committee Council
which consists from MNREP, UNDP and other donor organisations. The priority actions from
NEAP documents were included into the work plan of the MNREP for 1998-2000 as the main
part of the governmental strategy of development of Kazakhstan 2030. From 1998 UNDP
started the third step - the support of MNREP for the planning and implementation of the
priority actions of NEAP and the sectional strategy via the improvement of the ecological
management, strengthen the effectiveness of the co-ordination and the combination of the
efforts of the ministries, agencies and other governmental powers, social,
non-governmental and private structures and international organisations. Besides the
programme also included the development of the capacities and strengthen the institutional
structures and also the activities on the fulfilment of international conventions,
standards and agreements. Selective and effective use of the international experience and
the used wide social participatory approach in the creation of the programmes, projects,
including the active involvement of local people, NGOs, private sector, ministries and
other organisations, help this process to be sustainable. Now, when the three priority
zones of NEAP project annexes are created and which caused interest from the World Bank
and other donors, we face the necessity to review the further strategy of the work and to
concentrate on the attraction of the financial resources and the improvement of the
co-ordination of projects already financed by GEF and UNDP. UNDP limited the support of
the NEC SD only in the frame of the general administrative work and support of the one
Committee of International Conventions providing the support on the strengthen the role of
the Project Management Committees with the wide attraction of donors and ministries.
II. Government would like UNDP to play a
catalytic role to assist and facilitate co-ordination of other donors’ activities and to
attract more funds from GEF, Montreal Protocol, Capacity 21, and other donors.
- We managed to meet the expectations. During
the report period we managed to increase GEF cost-sharing funding for 2.000.000 US dollars
on six NEX projects (see table)
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
National: |
Wetlands |
project |
project |
Agrobiodiversity |
project |
Wind Energy |
project |
project |
Energy Efficiency |
project |
Strategy and Action Plan |
going |
going |
Completed |
Small Grants Programme |
Approved |
going |
going |
Regional: |
Montreal Protocol |
project |
Caspian Environment
Programme |
project |
project |
and the Montreal Protocol.
UNDP country office, jointly with other Caspian country offices assisted in co-ordination
of the Caspian Environment Programme. In spite of the Committee for International
Conventions within the structure of the National Ecology Centre, the implementation of the
GEF projects listed in the table is somewhat complicated. Though NEC was supposed to only
co-ordinate, prepare and monitor the projects, the participation of NEC was represented on
all the project stages. The co-ordination of activities was also organised differently
from the initial plan. Finally we can presume that all the actions undertaken by National
Environment Centre were reasonably approached. Finally we had different partners and
implementing agencies for many projects for to use to advantage the significant
flexibility in rapidly changing political, social and economic situation.
- Within the projects on biodiversity UNDP is
financing the set of projects on different stages of implementation. One of them is the
project KAZ/96/G31 "Assistance to the Government of Kazakhstan in the Development of
a Strategy to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity" which is on its final
step of implementation. The most financial support was provided by GEF and also by the
Govt RK and UNDP. UNDP has provided a support to the Govt of RK in the fulfilment of the
international obligations, concerning the participation in the convention of the
biodiversity. Within the framework of the project the inter-sectional co-ordination body
was established, biodiversity assessment on the basis of existing knowledge was done, the
options for biodiversity management and benefits sharing in the country through the
process of analysis and consultations were identified. The documents of the National
Report on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity of RK, National
Strategy and Action Plan on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity. The
main task of the project is the practical realisation of the priority projects and at this
stage the projects are seeking for additional external financial support for the
realisation of the practical actions. During the fulfilment of the project the large
experience was gained on the revealing the scientific potential of Kazakh scientists in
the biodiversity sphere, on the attraction of the various stakeholders and the development
of the projects with participatory approach. On the basis of the gained lessons the
following recommendations were the outputs: the further development of the legislative
basis with accordance to the rules of the Convention of Biodiversity, the attraction of
donor organisations to finance the priority projects of the Action Plan on Conservation
and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and prevention of the threat . The comments from the
international experts were obtained. The GEF/UNDP projects, namely KAZ/98/G42/1/1G/99
"In-situ preservation of mountain Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan (Block A)"and
KAZ/98/G43/A1G/99 "Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally Significant Migratory
Bird Wetland habitat". (Block B), are financed due to the active work of the
UNDP staff and are currently under the different stages of implementation block A and B.
The project on the integrated conservation of the wetlands is on its final stage and the
result of the project will be the elaborated demonstration project proposal on Ural Delta
and the territories of Alakol-Sasykol lakes and the transition to the following stage of
implementation of the full-scale project. At present the works to collect the details of
information on the mentioned two wetlands sites for the full-scale project on the
integrated conservation of the priority wetlands in Kazakhstan seeking the financial
support from GEF. These wetlands were chosen from 14 wetlands of Kazakhstan during the
workshop on the logical framework of the project with the participation of the government
structures and other key organizations and stakeholders and international experts. Both
GEF projects on biodiversity are included as a priority actions and are listed in the
Strategy and Action Plan on Biodiversity of RK. At the present stage Kazakhstan has
received the additional financial assistance from the Canadian International Development
Agency with the technical participation of the Environmental Canadian Consulting in the
project of the conservation of mountain Kazakhstan’s agrobiodiversity.
(i) Agenda 21,
would assist Government in developing policies and programme to mainstream environment
concerns in all economic and development activities;
(ii) Compliance with
International Conventions, through assistance in the preparation of strategies, plans
and reports and in creating enabling environment and capacities to implement the
Conventions on Biological Diversity, Combating Desertification and Climate Change; and
(iii) Area-based
environmental management programmes, to support actions for addressing the
environmental problems in the most affected areas, and immediate rehabilitation measures
at the local level. In particular, Government seeks UNDP’s continued support and
leadership for co-operation and direct assistance in the Aral Sea basin programme, as well
as assistance from the regional project. Government also has strong interest in receiving
assistance in Semipalatinsk and the Caspian Sea area.