as of March 29, 1999
1À. KAZ/98/002/ Programme for Implementation of 1998-2000 Strategic Plan "Ecology and Natural Resources" | ||
On-going (logical continuation of the project KAZ/97/009) Immediate objectives: 1) Effectiveness of environmental policies for sustainable development of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) Assistance for the Government of Kazakhstan in implementation of the long-term Strategy of the Development of Kazakhstan till 2030; 3) Establishment of efficient management system for the natural resources utilization and environment protection; 4) Creation of a basis for a balanced utilization of natural resources; 5) Environmental education. Target beneficiaries: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, other interested agencies and organizations. Main activities: 1) Setting up the National Environmental Center. 2) Elaboration of a proposal on management system of state administration and control over the environment and natural resources utilization; 3) Formulation of an Action Plan for Sustainable development of RK; 4) Involvement of International financial and environmental institutions in management and financing of environmental projects in RK. Expected end-of-project situation: 1) Strengthening of the Government’s capacity to coordinate actions addressing critical environmental problems and perform obligations under international environmental conventions; 2) Enhancement of the effectiveness of the environmental activities, especially in the ones of environmental disasters; 3) Elaboration of the projects for the next steps of the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan 2030". |
1 B. KAZ/97/009 Rolling Framework Environmental Programme for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. | ||
Status: On-going (preparation for the completion) Immediate objectives: 1) To improve Government’s environmental management capacity including deep assistance to NEAP/SD formulation and ratification and implementation of environmental conventions; 2) support to formulation and implementation of environmental projects in the areas of priority environmental problems; 3) development and involvement of NGOs for growth of public awareness and understanding of environmental problems; 4) development of adequate environmental policies to strengthen the transition to sustainable development of Kazakhstan: 5) to focus on high priorities which can be addressed through a flexible rolling plan. Target beneficiaries: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, other interested agencies and organizations. Main activities: 1) Setting up a project Steering Council for the general oversight functions for the implementation of the programme; 2) approving the workplan actions for the programme implementation; 3) organization and participation in the activities of NEAP/SD and the sustainable development programmes of other countries; 4) organization of the workshops on the problem of environmental management, expertise and training seminars for the local people; 5) consulting services to the Government, concerning ratification and commitment to international environmental conventions for biodiversity, climate change and desertification; 6) the consulting, expert, informational and marketing services aimed on the priority environmental problems in regions of environmental disasters; 7) facilitate exchange of the technical experience between the foreign and the national specialists in support of the environmental management. Expected end-of-project situation: The capacities of the Government in addressing critical environmental experience between the foreign and the national specialists in support of the environmental management. Expected end-of-project situation: The capacities of the Government in addressing critical environmental problems and performing obligations under the international conventions will be strengthened. NEAP’s priorities for implementation will be addressed more systematically. The effectiveness of the environmental activities especially in the zones of environmental disasters will be increased. The capacities of the key institutions will be strengthened. |
2. KAZ/96/G31 Assistance to the Government of Kazakhstan in the Development of a Strategy to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity | ||
Status: on-going (final stage) Immediate objectives: 1) To enable the Government of Kazakhstan to fulfill its commitments to the International Convention on Biological Diversity, 2) formulation of the National Biodiversity Strategy for Kazakhstan and an Action Plan to address priority issues, 3) establishment of an inter-sectoral co-ordination body, 4) biodiversity assessment on basis of existing knowledge, 5) identification and agreement on options for biodiversity management and benefits sharing in the country through a process of analysis and consultations, 6) preparation and dissemination of the National Report to CBD COP. Target beneficiaries: Ministry Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Main activities: 1) Setting up of Implementation Structure: an inter-sectoral, 12-member Steering Committee comprised of key stakeholders, which will provide overall policy guidance to planning and to overcoming traditional, sectoral barriers; 2) Assessment of the data gap between the current situation and national aspirations; 3) Development of Draft Reports which will be discussed during the five local workshops; 4) Finalisation of the Strategy on a national workshop and later approval by the Government of Kazakhstan; 5) The national capacity building through consultations and collaboration with the national scientists and experts; 6) Maximization of the public participation through the national institutions, local workshops and dissemination of information. Expected end-of-project situation: A Project Steering Committee will have been formed at the national level as the forum for consultations, discussions, analysis and co-ordination mechanism to enhance/generate inside and out-side coordination and the greater political support for the future biodiversity conservation programmes in Kazakhstan. The National Strategy and Action Plan will be formulated and formally aproved. The Government of Kazakhstan will prepare its first National Report in December 1997. |
3. UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme | ||
Status: on-going Immediate objectives: 1. to enhance the capacity of selected households and communities in geographic focus of the GEF/SGP in Kazakhstan in order to improve their livelihood security through sustainable use and conservation of biological resources, adoption of renewable energy and energy conservation technologies and/or protection of coastal, marine and freshwater resources. 2. to expand the impact of the GEF/SGP-supported community-level initiatives through replication, calling-up and policy advocacy. 3. To base the ground for the longer-term institutional and financial sustainability of the programme. Target beneficiaries: The GEF/SGP is targeted on the economically-poor and marginalised population, primarily rural-based households and communities Main activities: 1) Dissemination of information to all relevant stakeholders and development of expertise on the GEF/SGP activities through organisation of a Stakeholders Workshop to launch the GEF/SGP in Kazakhstan; 2) Organization of training courses for NGO/CBOs, which will focus on GEF thematic areas, skills for formulating project proposals, project management and monitoring, reporting and project evaluation; 3) Identification and involvement of no less than 20 GEF/SGP partners in the selected areas of the geographic focus of the programme; 4) Involvement of the GEF/ SGP partners in the existing network of environmental NGOs at the local and international levels, for improvement of cooperation and coordination of NGO/CBO activities; 5) Seeking possibilities for involvement of the GEF/SGP partners in the international UNDP programme "Sustainable Development Networking Programme" (SDNP); 6) Dissemination of the information about the donor organisations available at the local level in order to stimulate NGO/CBOs to seek for the additional funding; 7) Organisation and support of the periodic Round Table meetings on issues related to the programme implementation, 8) Participation in the work of the National Environmental Action Plan for Sustainable Development Center (NEAP/SD); 9) Publication of quarter newsletters on the programme implementation in Kazakhstan, starting in the second year of the programme operation; 10) Drawing attention of mass media to strengthen feedback from the local communities. |
4. KAZ/98/G42/1/1G/99 In-situ preservation of mountain Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan (Block A) | ||
Status: on-going Immediate objectives: 1) Following the approach of increasing the profit in addition to the developing integrated approach of in-situ preservation of mountain Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan and sustainable utilization in order to prevent the threats to Agrobiodiversity; 2) Development of the state-private partnership and utilization of mountain Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan; 3) Enhancement of administration for the preserved territories and priority inhabitants along with the enhancement of preservation within agricultural systems through the market development of the traditional species and spreading of the management systems related to the application of ways to manage the traditional species. Target beneficiaries: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, other interested agencies and organizations. Main activities: 1) Management of SPNT (Specially Preserved Natural Territories): development and execution of the renewed management for the prior SPNT and the inhabitants; directed investigations for prior inhabitants determination; development of the long-term monitoring programmes; determination of the situation in management and monitoring of biodiversity; 3) Development of legislation and policy; training/enhancement opportunities, and the support of the legal development; 3) Development of the inter-sectoral programme of agriculture and Agrobiodiversity spreading; 4) Removing market barriers to sustainable preservation/utilization of Agrobiodiversity resources; introduction of new concept and technology tools based on preservation of Agrobiodiversity in Kazakhstan; the new technologies introduction; training/enhancement opportunities; development and demonstration of the sustainable development methodology; 5) Project proposals Block B on the development of the full-scale project document (to be approved in November 1998) Expected end-of-project situation: 1) preservation of the wild grains within the system of primarily preserved territories of Agrobiodiversity and their inhabitants; 2) sustainable system of the scientific co-operation, NGOs, farmers and cottage owners to determine and preserve the most valuable traditional grains of the basic agricultural types (known as "Aborigines"; 3) enhancement of the legislation and policy development in order to create the system of sustainable preservation and utilization of own Agrobiodiversity; 4) renovation of the links between the private agricultural sector and the state security sector in order to provide Agrobiodiversity resources profitability and the partial reinvestment into the sustainable preservation in-situ of the genetic resources; 5) long-term financing mechanisms. |
5. KAZ/98/G43/A/1G/99 Integrated Conservation of Priority Globally Significant Migratory Bird Wetland habitat . (Block B) | ||
Status: On-going Immediate Objectives: 1) Development of the incrementing (additional) project proposal, co-financed by GEF on the Kazakstani globally important Wetlands preservation; 2) utilization of these opportunities for integrated preservation and development in order to improve the sustainability and effectiveness of the management for the Kazakstani priority wetlands; 3) development of the multi-disciplinary management regime for the existing wetlands preserved with the public participation within the framework of the project. Target beneficiaries: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery and Hunting Committee, other interested agencies and organizations. Main activities: 1) the selection of the project locations, 3-4 priority wetlands will be selected on the criteria basis, 2) reduction of the selected wetlands amount up to 6 and less, "confirmation" studies of the known as rich from the point of biodiversity endangered migrating types of birds of wetlands in order to obtain an up-dated information on the situation of these sectors; 3) revealing of the interest participating groups, evaluation of existing information, conducting workshops/social-economic evaluation inside and outside of the priority sectors; 4) Elaboration of the logical project structure; 5) analysis of the existing organizations, universities and publicity groups involved into the preservation activity; 6) analysis and reveal of the weak points in the legislation and institutional system; 7) overview and finalizing of the project document. Expected end-of-project situation: 1) the document on the analysis results of the drawbacks in policy, legislation and agriculture sector; 2) the analysis of the potential market mechanisms for the sustainable long-term management of wetlands; 3) determination of the further basic direction; 4) draft variant of the institutional frameworks/executing mechanism, including monitoring and evaluation programme, participation of the interested parties and equal participation of sexes; 5) agreement on the co-financing preparations, creation of the full-size document. |
6. KAZ/98/G41/A/1G/99 Removing Barriers to Increased Energy Efficiency of Hot Water & Heat Supply and Use in Kazakhstan (Block A) | ||
Status: On-going Immediate objectives: 1) to overcome barriers to the implementation and realization of improved energy efficiency of hot water and heat supply and use in Kazakstan, 2) to identify and reduce key barriers to energy efficiency and allow dissemination of this experience to other cities in Kazakstan. Key barriers are expected to be in the area of (I) lack of information on the available technologies and measures to improve the energy efficiency of heat and hot water supply, and predominant uncertainties about their technical, economic and financial feasibility; (ii) lack of capacity to conduct economic and financial analyses and to implement the most promising energy efficiency measures; (iii) misplaced or missing incentives for apartment owners, building co-operatives, and district heating companies to improve the energy efficiency; and (iv) lack of information and experience with the public and private sector financing of the projects. Target beneficiaries: Ministry of Energy, other interested agencies and organizations. Main activities: (I) a comprehensive training and information dissemination program to train the local stakeholders on various technical, economic, financial and institutional aspects on improving the energy efficiency of residential heat and hot water supply and use in Kazakhstan; (ii) a set of carefully selected demonstration projects and dissemination of these experiences to other cities in Kazakhstan; (iii) an analysis of the existing regulatory and institutional framework for consumption-based heat and hot water metering and billing and recommendations to facilitate (or improve) its actual implementation; and (iv) an analysis of the existing building codes and standards for new construction and eventual recommendations to improve them with a specific emphasis on energy efficiency and otherwise environmentally friendly technologies and practices. New applications and arrangements will be first tested on a small scale, and lessons learnt will be fed back to the process; (5) to build the capacity of the local stakeholders to undertake economical assessments based on the Least Cost Planning principals and train them on project financing and management. Expected end-of-project situation: (I) increased information on the available technologies and measures to improve the energy efficiency of the residential heat and hot water supply and use in Kazakhstan; (ii) increased capacity of the local stakeholders to conduct energy audits and undertake technical, economic and financial feasibility studies of promising energy efficiency measures; (iii) "hands on" experience of the technical, economic and financial feasibility of the relevant energy efficiency measures through carefully selected demonstration projects; (iv) working regulatory and institutional framework for consumption-based heat and hot water metering and billing; (v) improved building codes and standards for new buildings with a specific emphasis on energy efficiency and otherwise environmentally friendly technologies and practices; and (vi) better access to available public and private sector financing to finance the projects. |
7. KAZ/96/G41/A/1G/99 Removing Barriers to Wind Power production in Kazakhstan (Block B). | ||
on-going (on the final stage). Immediate objectives: The objective of the full-scale project is to remove barriers to commercial scale, grid-connected wind power production in Kazakhstan, thereby reducing the need for new fossil fuel based plants and associated greenhouse gas emissions. Main activities: 1) strengthening institutional capacity for research, planning and technology transfer related to wind power production; 2) reducing the uncertainties in costs and various technical issues related to the wind power production; and 3) demonstrating the feasibility of wind power production in Kazakhstan and draw attention of the potential future partners on the results of these studies in order to get the necessary political and financial support to move towards larger, commercial scale applications. Expected end-of-project situation: 1. Determined the technical and economic potential of the wind energy technologies; 2. Analyzed current and future demand and supply of electricity viable options; 3. Identified market sharers; 4. List of technically and economically viable options. |
8. KAZ/98/005 Kazakhstan Caspian Regional Development Programme | ||
on-going Immediate objectives: 1) to facilitate the Akimat of Atyrau oblast to establish the framework for co-ordination of developments, initiatives and other activities which are necessary to resolve the problems in the social, economic and environmental spheres in the climate of great expectations generated by the likelihood of an oil boom in the oblast. 2) to support and co-ordinate the projects implemented by UNDP (UNV project, MSP/GEF, SGP/GEF and others which might arise later) SDC activities; 3) to ensure achievement of sustained and integrated development of the Atyrau Oblast with the aim of involvement of wide stakeholders participation; 4) to create the «Laboratory for low background measurements» (the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the National Nuclear Centre of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Main activities: a) design and preparation of a Programme Support Document; b) consolidation of project proposals, assigning priorities in order to produce the Portfolio of Priority Project Proposals for JAF consideration within four thematic areas: social developments, infrastructure improvements, environmental management and business/commercial development. Target beneficiaries: people living in Atyrau Oblast Expected end-of-project situation: |
9. KAZ/98/V01/AUNV Support to Kazakhstan Caspian Regional Development Programme | ||
Status: on-going Immediate objectives: 1) Income generation through SME development in services, trade, agri-business and light industry; 2) Increased local stakeholder involvement in environmental preservation; Capacity-building within local government. Target beneficiaries: people of Atyrau oblastAkimat , SDC. Expected end-of-project situation: 1) SDC will be able to follow an integrated regional planning process; 2) Income Generation secured for 500 families via establishment/strengthening of small and medium size enterprises; 3)Banking sector supported with regard to loan programmes for small and medium sized enterprises, including agrobusiness; 4) A programme of action for the ptotection of endangered species and of the environments in place, and for environmental monitoring. |
10. RER/98/G41 Montreal Protocol: Preparatory Assistance for Technical Assistance/Investment Project Preparatory for Kazakhstan and Tajikistan (PDF B) | ||
Status: on-going Executing Agency: UNDP, Montreal Protocol Unit / UNDP-RBEC / UNEP IE, Paris / Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology Implementing Agency: UNDP Almaty / National Ozone Focal Point / UNOPS / Montreal Protocol Unit Total budget for the year: US$ 343,000.00 (For Tajikistan and Kazakhstan) Total from GEF (Tech. Assistance, CP formulation, and Investment PP’s ) - UNEP US$ 154,000.00 and UNDP US$ 189,000.00 Project purpose: 1) To ensure the countries’ ability to meet data requirements of the Montreal Protocol; 2) To prepare Country Programmes to assist countries to carry out their transition to non-ODS technology as required under the Montreal Protocol, through the support for priority sub-projects, identified in the Country Programmes; 3) Identification of sectoral technical assistance needs in the countries to enable the ODS phaseout process to commence and be sustained; 4) Identification and development of detailed sectoral ODS phaseout investment projects proposals in the five sectors for subsequent funding and implementation by the appropriate GEF implementing agency. Results: 1) Survey of ODS consumption patterns and sector-specific industry profiles; 2) Strategies and action plans incl. Estimated phaseout costs; 3) Identification and documentation of sectoral technical assistance needs in the countries to enable the ODS phaseout process to commence and be sustained; 4) Identification and preparation of detailed sectoral ODS phaseout investment project proposals in the various sectors. Expected Date of Preparation Completion: The PDF activities will be completed by January 2000. |
11. RER/97/G41 Caspian Regional Ecology Programme | ||
Status: on-going Executing agency: UNOPS Implementing agency: Governments of the Pre-Caspian Countries Responsible person: Co-ordinator (Madi Kireev) Focal point from UNDP: Mr. Takenov, Sustainable Development Adviser - tel. 64-26-18. Total budget: $ 18,316,956 Co-financing CEP: Government: $ 1,420,000 ÅÑ/ÒÀCIS: $ 5,831,500 UNEP: $ 560,000 UNDP contribution: $ 100,000 World Bank: $ 1,964,000 Private Sector: $ 100,000 GEF contribution: $ 8,341,456 Overall CEP goal: «Environmentally sustainable development and management of the Caspian environment, including living resources and water quality, so as to obtain the utmost long-term benefits for the human populations of the region, while protecting human health, ecological integrity and the region’s sustainability for future generations». Immediate objectives: 1) to develop a Caspian regional coordination and management mechanism for SD and Caspian environment through the creation of regional,intersectoral and thematic institutional frameworks; 2) to complete a TDA; 3) formulation and endorsement of a Regional Strategic Action Plan and National Action Plan. Target beneficiaries: Governments of the Countries envolved into the programme Expected end-of-project situation: |
12. KAZ/94/003 The Aral seashore Rehabilitation and Capacity Building Programme (Help People of Aral to Help Themselves). | ||
Status: on-going Immediate targets: 1) Provision of the local population with the good working conditions; 2) Improvement of health in the region; 3) Improvement of environment in the region; 4) Enhancement of NGOs and local societies potential. Target beneficiaries: Departments of Kyzylorda oblast administration, Aralsk and Kazalinsk region administrations, Kyzylorda branch of IFAS. NGOs, women and their families in Aralsk and Kazalinsk regions, and Kyzylorda city. Main activities: 1. Introducing new agro-technologies. 2. Provision of training and advice on equipment procurement and maintenance. 3. Assist in preparation of business plans and obtaining credits 4. Introducing new technology and techniques; 5. Organizing workshops, training courses, study tours to build capacity of NGOs. Expected end of project situation: The enhanced capacities of the authorities, NGOs and the communities, will help them to: Create jobs, both formal and non-formal; Provide safe drinking water; Improve people's health; Restore degraded lands and dry-up salt lakes; Combat desertification. The local authorities and the IFAS Kyzylorda branch will enhance their capacity to deal with the crisis. Businessmen and officials will be able to formulate viable proposals for the external funding and many would be a success in this respect. |
13. RER/97/001 Regional Programme on the Environment and Development for All RBEC Countries | ||
Status: on-going Executing agency: UNOPS Implementing agency: Governments of all RBEC Countries Responsible person: Programme co-ordinator Mr. Dalibor Kisela, Programme Officer Focal point from UNDP: Mr. Takenov, Sustainable Development Adviser - tel. 64-26-18. Total budget: 2.527.273 $ UNDP contribution: èç áþäæåòà: 1.800.000 $ Capacity 21: 727.273 $ SOF 03: 180.000 $ SOF 5G: 72.727 $ Immediate objectives: 1) Agenda 21 as a guiding princilple; 2) To enhance the possibilities to execute political and legislative reforms for the economic and ecological sectors; 3) To enhance the possibilities for the institutions in integration of the environmental problems, business and financial National Institutions; 4) to enhance public opinion and public participation in problems planning on environment and monitoring issues; 5) regional support for the National Programmes and mobilization of external help and funds. Target beneficiaries: Government and private sector institutions, small and medium scale enterprises, banks and their employees, agricultural associations, members of NGOs and CBOs. Expected end-of-project situation: Enhanced intersectoral cooperation and creation of oppotunities to the main acting bodies, taking part in the economic and social development. The Programme will provide the framework for other programmes financed by UNDP in the region, especially GEF and Capacity 21. |