of Sustainable Development
Issue 3
of Sustainable Development |
UNESCO’s Initiative for the Aral Sea Basin (Tashkent, November 6,
1998)......................... |
3 |
Indicators of Sustainable
Development.................................................................................... |
5 |
World Water Demand and Supply (1990-2025):
Scenarios and Issues. IWMI Report.......... |
10 |
Conception of Sustainable Development for the Republic of Uzbekistan............................... |
17 |
Meetings on Water problems and Environment Plrotection
The Fourth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe” (Aarhus, Denmark, June 23-25, 1998)
....................................................................................... |
18 |
“Water: A Looming Crisis?” International Conference on World Water
Resources at the Beginning of the 21st Century................................................................................................... |
20 |
International Meetings in Central Asia
International Seminar of the Inter-Governmental Economic Council and USAID
on Efficiency of Water and Energy Resources use in the Central Asian Region (Issik-Kul, June 20-24, 1998)..................................................................................................... |
26 |
Examples of International Conflicts Related to Water (the USAID
Review) ........................ |
27 |
International Seminar “Regional Cooperation, on Water and Energy
Resources Use in Central Asia”, Soros Foundation (Issik-Kul, July 1-4,
1998).................................................. |
31 |
Mining Industry in Central Asia and its Impact to Environment.
Experience of foreign
countries.................................................................................................................................... |
32 |
Meeting of Representatives of Inter-Governmental Commission for
Sustainable Development of the Central Asian Countries and the UNDP Project (Tashkent, May 19, 1998)......................................................................................................... |
36 |
Meeting of the Interstate Coordination Task Group on Joint Work on
Rehabilitation of Tailing Dumps and Mining Wastes Making a Transboundary
Impact (Bishkek, August 6-7,
1998)....................................................................................................... |
38 |
International Seminars, Courses in
Central Asia |
Regional Seminar on “Conception and Instruments of Sustainable Development”
(Tashkent, July 6-10,
1998)....................................................................................................... |
39 |
Calendar of Meetings
on International Conferences on
(Tashkent, November 6,
The final meeting of the
155th Session of the UNESCO Executive Council was held in Tashkent
on November 6, 1998. Besides a report and different organizational questions,
three documents devoted to world culture development were adopted at the
session. The first document – a consolidated report for the UN on world
culture, the second document – on assessment of trans-disciplinary project “On
the Way to World Culture”. The third document was a draft of decision “World
Culture and the UNESCO Activities in the UNESCO member-states” proposed by
Uzbekistan. President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov made a speech at the Session.
Speaking about the UNESCO activities, The Director-General of UNESCO Federico
Major said that the keystones of the UNESCO activities in the cause of
preservation of peace were science, education and culture and this was
concordant with the policy the government of Uzbekistan pursues. The Tashkent
Declaration adopted at the Session breathes a spirit of belief and hope that
mankind’s entering into the forthcoming millenary is based on world culture, is
free from such evils as war, violence, and social inequality. The
Dirctor-General F. Major put forward a UNESCO Initiative for the Aral Sea
Central Asia is a
historical crossroads of civilizations, the area where East meets West, North
meets South and East meets East. It is an area that was shaped by its unique
history, an area of incredible ethnic diversity with proven record of its
ability to resurrect itself. Now this microcosm of human coexistence and
tolerance is itself at the crossroads. The joint task of the World Community,
political leaders, donor agencies and individuals is to assist newly
independent states to preserve their rich cultural heritage, ethnic diversity,
tolerance, high educational standard and to find a sustainable way to develop
their natural resources. The Central Asian Republics have already created both
the political basis through a joint declaration of head of states in Nukus
(January 1994) and the executive intergovernmental agency – the International
Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) as the coordinating and implementing agency
for rehabilitation and development efforts.
The shrinking Aral Sea
is the most visible sign of environmental disaster of the Aral Sea Basin. By
now, the sea level had decreased by 18,0 m and the desertification of the Aral
Sea Zone continues on an unprecedented scale. The lacustrine ecosystem ceased
to exist, the wetlands are heavily damaged, these changes are of catastrophic
consequences for the economic activities and health. Water and wind erosion,
water logging and land salinization, massive use of agrochemicals in
agriculture resulted in decrease in soil productivity arousing serious concern
and leads to worsening of ecological and social problems in the Aral Sea Basin.
Given the lack of drinking water of good quality and sewage system in a big
territory of the basin, water pollution in rivers attributive to collector
drainage water discharge in big volume as well as poorly treated effluents
discharge increases the danger of diseases among the population,. A rational
and sustainable development of water resources is an urgent task and a
coordinated political activity of all participating states is required to
fulfill this task. A new situation in the basin requires changes in approaches
in the framework of which it is necessary to develop effective principles and
procedure for sustainable management of water and other natural resources. Many
technical solutions improving the situation in the area have been proposed
before but very little has been done yet in comparison with what might have
been required, given the scope of the problem.
The important aspect of
UNESCO approach is in support of optimistic and at the same time realistic
vision of the future of the Aral Sea and its basin, that opposes pessimistic
vision and lack of hope. Along with this, giving prominence to
trans-disciplinary interaction of social and natural sciences, such an approach
will facilitate mobilization of political will and scientific knowledge. The
UNESCO programs IHP, MAB and MOST are well placed to foster these initiatives.
Since 1994, UNESCO with support of the Ministry of Science and Technology of
Germany has been assisting scientists from Central Asia to continue their
studies in the Aral Sea deltas. In 1998 UNESCO established the Scientific
Advisory Board on the Aral Sea Basin (SABAS) and conducted three meetings of
this Board.
March 1999, UNESCO launched a project “Long - Term Water-Related Vision for the
Aral Sea Basin. National task groups consisting of
leading scientists of Academy of Sciences, R&D Centers and different
agencies were organized. For a comparatively short period of time, the five
working groups prepared reports on perspectives of development of the Aral Sea
basin up to the years 2025-2050 including forecasts of countries’ demography,
development of economy, agriculture, animal husbandry, use of water resources,
irrigated farming, development of biotechnology, ecology, and provision of
foodstuff for the population. At the
same time, a mathematical model for an analysis of possible scenarios of the
area development is being worked .out by a well-known scientist, Professor M.
Mesarovic and his research team from Case Western Reserve University (USA).
Preliminary results of this project were reported by Dr. J. Bogardi, head of
the Section on Sustainable Water Resources Development and Management of UNESCO
at the session of regional Water Vision in Stockholm on August 12-15, 1999 that
was conducted within the framework of the Stockholm Water Symposium.
Dr. G. Hasanhanova, a member of the task group was invited at the meeting and
made a report on the Perspectives of the Aral Sea Basin for Uzbekistan. At the
next meetings the regional Vision will be refined and amended so that it could
be submitted in its final form at the Second World Water Forum and at the
Conference of Ministers on March 17-22, 2000 in The Hague. This function will
be preceded by the UNESCO Regional Meeting “Water and Peace in Central Asia” that will be
held in Ashgabat on 29-30 November
1999. The main goal of this meeting is a better mutual understanding of
all aspects related to water and peace in the Region. The meeting is supposed
to consider a number of questions including renewal of traditional approaches
to water, development of new attitudes towards water and increase of
population’s awareness, development of principles of resolution of conflicts
attributable to water resources management and criteria for socially and economically
just use of water in the Aral Sea Basin. At the meeting political
personalities making decisions
(ministers) will also discuss a UNESCO proposal on problems of water use
prepared by the members of SABAS, IFAS/GEF so that to receive specific answers and proposals from them. The problem of
peace is given a broader interpretation such as peace between nations, between
different water users, between mankind and nature.
UNESCO Initiative is aimed at improvement of situation in the Aral Sea Basin,
stimulation of activities of governments and support of the world community so
that to encourage hope and optimism among a wide public and all parties
concerned to overcome the crisis in the region.
3. Indicators for Environment Aspects of
Sustainable Development*
3.1. Water
Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources embraces
the following aspects:
annual ground and
surface water withdrawal
per capita domestic
water consumption
concentration of fecal coliforms
in freshwater
biochemical oxygen
demand in water bodies
waste water treatment
density of hydrologic
The annual withdrawal
of water resources in percents of total volume characterizes their fragility
and scarcity. All types of water losses and use, and return water are taken
into account. The use of water resources reflects social and economic factors,
and influences economic development. The increase in irrigated land area makes
a considerable impact on nations’ economies. To prevent a double count it is
necessary to exclude reusing of water resources and rotation cycle water
systems. When using water resources it is necessary to take into consideration
a seasonable inequality of water resources distribution, and current data obtained
with the use of mathematical models and to use date recorded by FAO– in
AQUASTAT (1994-1995). At the same time, it is necessary to consider ecological
requirements, to optimize water consumption and price formation, to take
measures to reduce water scarcity and reallocate water from agriculture to
other branches of economy such as industry to use water efficient technologies,
etc. Domestic water supply characterizes the health of population, creates
conditions for cooking, washing, watering gardens, and provision of water for
domestic animals. The UNSED (Rio)
Program Agenda 21 envisages provision of safe water for urban population
in the volume over 40 liters per day as well as improvement of water supply for
rural population.
indicators of ground water reserves are being under development.
main reason of morbidity and mortality of population caused by water factor is
a fecal pollution of drinking water contributing to acute intestinal diseases
due to the presence of fecal streptococcus, thermo-resistant coliform
bacterium, spores of sulfate reducing fungi, and cysts of parasites such as
lamblias, ascarides, pinworms and others. It is important to reach water
treatment level up to the norms of the World Health Organization (WHO),
International Standardization Organization (ISO) and other organizations.
biochemical oxygen demand or an alternative indicator – chemical oxygen demand
– characterizes a total and partially oxidized organic substances in water is a
compulsory indicator of the water quality assessment.
of water-treating facilities and their wastewater treatment efficiency and
wastewater disinfection before discharge into water bodies are one of main
requirements of sustainable development without which there is no social and
economic sustainability. The Program Agenda 21 plans to reach the volume and
quality levels municipal and industrial waste water purification up to the
normative requirements till the year 2000 in urban areas.
density of monitoring hydrological network depends on physiographic and
geographic conditions, quality and regime of water resources and should be
determined individually on an area unit.
3.1.2. Protection
of oceans, seas and coastal territories
includes the assessment of the following indicators:
population growth in
coastal areas;
petrochemicals effluent
into the coastal waters;
discharge of
agricultural effluents containing nitrogen and phosphoric compounds;
maximum sustained yield
to fisheries;
microalgae index.
These indicators are
not important for the Central Asian Region with the exception of the Aral Sea,
the Aral Sea Zone and big lakes.
3.2. Land Resources
3.2.1. Integrated
Approach to Land Resources Planning and Management embraces such issues as
land resources
change in soil
local land resources
Using satellite and
ground surveys and applying FAO and UNEP methodology it is necessary to
determine the ecological condition of land resources such as water and wind
erosion processes, desertification, land ecosystem degradation, territorial
distribution of ecologically dangerous objects including mineral resource
industry, protected conservation areas and other facilities.
It is also necessary to develop
a land survey for assessment of physical, chemical and biological conditions of
soils, crop rotation system effects on cropping capacity, amelioration
condition, agrochemical soil contamination, etc. A complex of measures aimed at
degraded soil recultivation, improvement of melioration condition of saline
soils and marshlands is being worked out on the basis of soil and melioration
changes for the period of five – ten years. The GLASOD methodical (Global
Assessment of the Status of Human-induced of Soil Degradation) can be used the
process of desertification*
Local bodies control the
efficiency of land resources use and management, observance of Protection and
Increase of Soil Fertility Law. A methodological assistance in these issues is
rendered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
3.2.2. Fragile Ecological Systems Management: deserts
and arid zones considers the following
number of people living
below poverty level in the arid zone;
natural monthly rainfall
vegetation cover index
assessed by satellite surveys;
lands subjected by
To map out a consequent course of action on the
national level, it is necessary to assess the impact of economy on the
management of arid lands and their degradation that leads to impoverishment of
Up to 25% of the
territory of the globe is in the arid zone. When planning degrading land
rehabilitation measures, it is important to make short-term and long-term
forecasts of precipitation. It is worthwhile to use remote sensing, NOAA –
satellites of the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Association (USA)
and SPOT (France) in particular – to control biomass of plants, processes of
desertification and to develop nature preservation measures. International
Organizations – FAO, UNEP, the National Institute of Population and Environment
Health (Netherlands), the Soil Degradation Program (GLASOD) and other
organizations – are engaged in the organizational and methodological work in
this direction.
3.2.3. Management of Fragile Ecological Systems, and
Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions is based on the following indicators:
population change in the
mountain areas;
sustainable use of
natural resources;
welfare of people living
in mountain areas.
It is necessary to
manage fragile mountain ecological systems by means of control over the
population density, social and economic conditions, migration, land use
condition and other parameters. Exercising a control over these parameters, it
is necessary to identify degrading soils, determine the carrying capacity of
the territories and prevent the risk of landslides, and mud floods by reducing
overgrazing, forest and shrub clearing. A sustainable development of these
zones requires balanced agriculture practice for strengthening of the economy
of mountain territories and liquidation of impoverishment.
3.2.4. Sustainable Development of Rural areas and
Agriculture requires a control over
the following indicators:
use of pesticides;
-use of mineral
irrigation of arable
energy use in
specific area of
cultivated lands per capita;
land area subjected to
water logging and salinization;
agricultural education.
A sustainable development of agriculture requires a
strict control over the use of pesticides, their persistency, their capability
to accumulate in soil and biota, to migrate along the food chain and their
capability to be leached together with soil, etc.
same holds true for mineral fertilizers. It is necessary to reduce the volume of
used fertilizers per unit of area, assess their migration in the environment
and their leaching into water bodies that cause eutrophication, make a
calculation of the nutrient balance in soil and manage this process by active
crop rotation, to use organic fertilizers and remains of plants. It is
necessary to prevent the consequences of monoculture as an indicator of
agriculture instability, introduce high yielders. These measures should be
aimed at producing safe foodstuff. To use the power productively the power
consumption should be controlled at all stages of agricultural production.
Excessive energy consumption attributes to increase of environment pollution
waste, global warming of climate and other consequences. It is necessary to
make an energy balance for all crops during their growth; to assess the
decrease in land capacity resulting from water logging and salination,
excessive moistening, and overirrigation as well as scarce water resources and
reuse of saline water. It is necessary to improve education of farmers so that
they could gain access to the information on advanced technology of
3.3. Other Natural Resources
3.3.1. Combating deforestation should consider such indicators as
intensity of deforestation;
forest area change;
forest area ratio;
protected forest area as a percent of total forest area.
Forest area plays a significant complex ecological,
social and economic, and climatic role in the life of population. They serve in
recreation purposes, facilitate biodiversity of animals and plants,
accumulation of water resources, prevention of water and wind erosion,
atmospheric air pollution, creation of microclimate, and provide the population
with building materials. According to FAO conception, the total forest area should
reach 10% of the total country’s area.
The coordination and
methodological assistance in conservation of forests and creation of protected
area, rehabilitation of tugai forests is rendered by international
organizations, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF), the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCWC).
3.3.2. Biodiversity preservation embraces the following indicators:
threatened species as a
percentage of total native species;
protected areas (in
percents of total area).
The existing biodiversity of wildlife is very
important for the life of ecosystems, therefore, the loss of one or several
species leads to vanishing of a balanced ecological system. For sustainable
biodiversity, it is necessary to reduce the number of treatened species up to
1% of total number of species. The strategy of sustainable development is
focused on expanding the countries’ protected area conservation up to 10% of
total area by the year 2000. The same issues were included into the agenda of the
Forth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Area in 1992.
3.3.3. Pollution-free technology includes:
research and development
expenditure for biotechnology;
improvement of
biological safety control.
Biotechnology has an enormous potential for
improvement of population health, increase of food production, intensification
of reforestation, industrialization of agriculture, fodder production,
decontamination of water, the cleaning-up of hazardous wastes, finding
technological solutions for processing of biological resources and for ensuring
a sustainable ecological development.
The United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a coordinator and organizer of
studies on effective biotechnological processes.
(to be continued)
World Water Demand and Supply (1990-2025):
(D. Seckler, U.
Amarasinghe, D. Molden, R. de Silva, R. Barker)
Entering the twenty
first century, many countries of the world suffer a severe scarcity of water
resources. The scientists of the International Water Management Institute
(IWMI) conduct complex studies analyzing the use of water resources in the
world and develop a conceptual framework for solution of management and water
resources scarcity problems. When assessing water resources scarcity, the
authors used the earlier developed approach (Falkenmark et al., 1989) called “a
standard criterion.” Thus, if the annual water consumption per capita in the
country equals 1700 m3, a local and temporary water scarcity is
observed. If these norms are reduced up to 1000 m3, the water
scarcity effects the human well-being, population’s health and economic
development of the country. If the norms of water use are very low (less than
500 m3 per capita) the water scarcity threatens the life of
Another criterion of
water scarcity assessment worked out by a group of scientists is named UN
indicator (Raskin et al.,1997). Water withdrawal from available water sources
exceeding 40% of total volume range the country in class of water scarcity.
Using the combination of
these two criteria, and considering all main water users including municipal,
industry and irrigation, the authors ranked 118 countries containing 93% of the world’s population (with the exception of the
former Soviet Union countries) by utilization of water resources and the level
of their scarcity from 1990 up to 2025. So far as the biggest water consumer is
irrigated farming that uses 70-90% of available water resources in a number of
countries, two scenarios were considered in its analysis. One of them is a
traditional scenario using existing trends and technologies of irrigation. In
perspective, the second scenario envisages highly effective use of water in
agriculture that will make it possible to find additional water resources.
The data of the World
Resources Institute (WRI, 1996) were used as initial indicators in the analysis
of water balance. The constituents of the water resources balance are water
supply, water withdrawal, evaporation, infiltration, precipitation, and water
drainage outside the country. Return flows determine potential water resources
of the country. Part of return flows belongs to the used water resources. Some
water resources are practically unusable, for example, monsoon and typhoon
waters flowing into the sea in the form of flood flows. To determine the time
of water scarcity manifestation it is necessary to use not only average month
runoff data but also decade indicators. The water resources taken from the
sources are distributed among economic sector water users including irrigation,
municipal, industry, and ecological needs. Methodologically, the last indicator
is insufficiently substantiated, but its requirements are increasing from year
to year (conservation of unique water bodies, lakes – the Aral, the Solton
Sea (USA) – biodiversity – migrating
birds, fish, plants, etc.).
Insufficient WRI data
for 1996 were supplemented by data from other sources (FAO, Shiklomanov, 1997* , etc.) that include water resources,
population, trends of water consumption sectorwise, irrigated areas,
methodological indicators for calculation of plants water consumption,
evapotranspiration, etc. To forecast the population growth the UN data (UN,
1994)** were used. These data presuppose a
decrease in the population growth rate, and hence water consumption. By 2040,
the stabilization of world population growth is supposed to be at the level of
8 billion people.
Initial data used in
Table 1 include specific water consumption for municipal needs, irrigation,
consumption in industry per capita. Also presented countrywise irrigated area
(net), total irrigation withdrawals, annual intensity of irrigation, irrigation
norms, etc. The Numerical model makes it possible to forecast water resources
use in 2025. In case of scenario One, the efficiency of irrigation in 2025
remains the same as in 1990. The current technical level and irrigation system
operations also remain unchanged but it takes into account the population
growth. Thus, according to this scenario, the amount of water used for
irrigation in the world will have constituted 3,376 km3 by 2025,
which is equivalent to 62% of population growth. Scenario Two envisages a high
efficiency of irrigated system and irrigation technology which are calculated
to be 70% for many countries. To
achieve this indicator significant capital investments will be required.
Nowadays, this indicator for developing countries is 30-60%. In the process of
realization of this scenario the amount of water used for irrigation in the
countries of the world will have increased by 17% by 2025, while in the first
scenario this increase will constitute 62% which is equivalent to 944 km3
of water. These serious questions require additional studies, namely:
increase in efficiency
of irrigating systems does not produce a simultaneous increase of foodstuff per
capita or per unit of water discharge. An adequate improvement of seeds,
agrotechnology, optimization of fertilizer use, increase of efficiency of
irrigation technique as well as other improvements will be required;
irrigation is important
for increase of foodstuff. At the same time it is necessary to develop dry land
farming which is ecologically more expedient and doesn’t require big economic
water availability
during the drought periods cannot be guaranteed, the problem of unequal water
resources distribution in different regions of the country cannot be solved.
Thus with the excess of water in the South of China, its scarcity (only 20% of
total volume of water resources) is felt in the Northern parts of the country
where over 50% of population live;
in countries with severe
scarcity of water variants envisaging increase in import of foodstuff are possible,
while water should be used for improvement of municipal water supply and
development of industry.
The methodologies worked out before (Gleick, 1996)* that recommend to take on minimum
values for municipal water supply of 20 m3 per capita a year (or 55
liters per day) and for industry 40 m3 per capita (109 litter per
day) are used in forecasting municipal and industry water supply in 2025.
Nowadays (1990), these figures for many African countries constitute less than
10 m3 per year. In forecasting for the year 2025, they are doubled.
For developed countries, the dependence of specific norms of water consumption
based on specific value of GDP per capita is proposed. In their calculations
the authors forecast a 45% increase of water consumption in these sectors of
economy by the year 2025 that will have constituted 1193 km3 for all
countries of the world. In order to use secondary runoffs for ecological
purposes and not to artificially increase available water resources, they are not
included into calculations. The total water withdrawal for all sectors of
economy by the year 2025 will have increased up to 3625 km3 (0r by
25%). By the values of the two indicators of water scarcity and their
combination, all 118 countries of the world are divided into five groups.
In the First Group of countries covering
mainly the Northern Africa and the Western Asia the total water withdrawal from
the available water resources constitutes 50-100%, the population number being
8% of 118 countries under study. By the year 2025 the water withdrawal of these
countries will have increased by 191% in comparison with that of in 1990.
The Second Group embraces 7% of the world population, mainly from
African countries in the Sahara zone that is characterized by unfavorable
conditions for agricultural production. When using water resources, in
perspective it is expedient to develop small-scale irrigation and dry land
farming. The water withdrawal volume will exceed 100% in comparison with 1990.
The Third Group embodies mainly developing countries with 16% of
population in which the water consumption is forecast to increase from 25% to
The Fourth Group mainly includes developed countries with 16% of
population in which by the year 2025 the volume of water withdrawal will have
increased by 25% in comparison with that of in 1990. In this group are the
biggest grain exporters in the world – USA and Canada, which in case of severe
scarcity of grain can quickly increase the area of irrigated lands under grain.
The Fifth Group countries in the year 2025 practically maintain the
level of water consumption achieved in 1990 and even decrease this volume. This
group includes countries with 12% of population. China and India with
population constituting 41% of total population are considered separately from
these five groups. In these countries uneven territorial distribution of water
resources is observed. In the zones of water resources scarcity, the
nonrenewable underground water resources were
pumped. These results in decrease in the level of ground water and its
reserves. In these zones water reservoirs are built, water saving technologies
such as drip irrigation are used, foodstuffs are imported, partial diversion
from abundance zone into scarcity zone is planned.
Nowadays, in many
countries the problem of water resources scarcity is underestimated both in
terms of regional and annual as well as seasonable changes. The existing data
base, information on efficiency of water resource use should be updated. The
current article proposes to cover water resources scarcity by 50% by the year
2025 thanks to increase in efficiency of the existing irrigating systems, the
rest 50% thanks to creation of small water reservoirs, combined use of surface
and underground water, selective construction of big and average size dams.
Table 1 presents a
current condition of water resources use by economy sectors and their forecast
up to the year 2025 by characteristic countries and groups including India and
China. Additional Table 2 shows the area of irrigated lands and the annual
water consumption by crops countries-wise.
Introduction to
Table 1. Description of Columns in Table 1
Description |
Data input or Calculation |
Units |
ñ1 |
1990 - population |
Data |
million |
ñ2 |
Population growth from 1990 to 2025 |
Data |
% |
ñ3 |
Annual water resources (AWR) |
Data |
km3 |
ñ4 |
Total withdrawals in 1990 |
Data |
km3 |
ñ5 |
Per capita domestic withdrawals in 1990 |
Data |
m3 |
ñ6 |
Per capita industrial withdrawals in 1990 |
Data |
m3 |
ñ7 |
Per capita irrigation withdrawals in 1990 |
Data |
m3 |
ñ8 |
Net irrigated area in 1990 |
Data |
1000 ha |
ñ9 |
Total irrigation withdrawals in 1990 |
ñ7õñ1/1000 |
km3 |
ñ10 |
Annual irrigation intensity |
ñ15 in Appendix table Â2 |
% |
ñ11 |
Irr. WITH as a depth on gross irrigated area |
ñ9/(ñ8õñ10)õ 100 |
m |
ñ12 |
NET as a depth on gross irrigated area |
ñ 17 in Appendix table B2 |
m |
ñ13 |
Estimated irrigation effectiveness in 1990 |
ñ12/ñ11 |
% |
ñ14 |
Assumed irrigation effectiveness |
min (2õñ13, 70%) |
% |
ñ15 |
Total irr. WITH in 2025 under scenerio 1 (S1) |
ñ9õñ2 |
km3 |
ñ16 |
Total irr. WITH in 2025 under scenerio 2 (S2) |
ñ8õñ10õñ12/ñ14/100 |
km3 |
ñ17 |
S2: % change from 1990 irr. WITH |
ñ16/ñ9-1 |
% |
ñ18 |
S2 as a % of S1 |
ñ16/ñ19 |
% |
ñ19 |
Total savins from S2 |
ñ15-ñ16 |
km3 |
ñ20 |
Per capita domestic WITH in 2025 |
see figure 3 |
m3 |
ñ21 |
Per capita industrial WITH in 2025 |
see figure3 |
m3 |
ñ22 |
Total domestic and industrial WITH in 2025 |
(ñ19+ñ20)õñ1õñ2/1000 |
km3 |
ñ23 |
% change from 1990 D&1 WITH |
ñ22[ñ5+ñ6]xñ1/1000-1 |
% |
ñ24 |
Total WITH in 2025 |
ñ16+ñ22 |
km3 |
ñ25 |
Total additional withdrawals in 2025 |
ñ24-ñ4 |
km3 |
ñ26 |
Per capita internal renewable water supply in 2025 |
ñ3/(ñ1xñ2)x1000 |
m3 |
ñ27 |
S1: % change from 1990 total WITH |
(ñ15+ñ22)/ñ4-1 |
% |
ñ28 |
S2: % change from 1990 total WITH |
ñ24/ñ4-1 |
% |
ñ29 |
2025 total withdrawal as % of IRWR |
ñ24/ñ3 |
% |
Acronyms: WITH - Water withdrawal
IRWR - irrigation water resources
of Sustainable Development for the Republic of Uzbekistan
The National Commission for Sustainable Development for
preparation of the conception and strategy of sustainable development in 1999
was established in Uzbekistan in 1997.
The formulated
conception is based on the Principles and Agenda for the 21st
century, the UN Convention on Sustainable Development formulated in Rio in
1992. Yet it also takes into account the specifics and contemporary economic,
social and ecological conditions and political environment of Uzbekistan. The
country goes through a complex process of transition towards market economy in
the conditions of unsustainable development of water and land resources use
causing the Aral Sea crisis and aggravation of ecological situation in the Aral
Sea Basin. The main task of the Convention is a transition of Uzbekistan
towards effective and ecologically safe socially just development that takes
into account the globalization processes. The Conception identifies the
following priorities:
Development of a
perspective model and balanced development of economy and social structure for
the period of 25-30 years
A new civilized program
of social development
New principles of
interaction of nature, economy and man
Development of system of
ecological, social, economic and political security
Development of regional
and global principles of integration into the world community, maintenance of
good-neighborly relations with other countries of the world and mutually
beneficial cooperation
The Conception substantiates the necessity of
transition towards sustainable development, gives analyses of the current social,
economic and ecological conditions of the country, shows the ways of step by
step transition and realization of the principles of sustainable development
for Uzbekistan.
A National Strategy of Sustainable Development of
Uzbekistan is being currently developed by
Macrostateconomic Ministry of Uzbekistan.
Fourth Conference of Ministers “Environment for Europe”
(Aarhus, Denmark,
June 23-26, 1998)
The fourth Conference of
Ministers of Environment Protection was held in Aarhus, Denmark on June 23-25, 1998.
The representatives of over 60 countries participated in the Conference. At the
Conference, Dr. D. J. Beltran, Executive General Director of European
Environment Agency (EEA), made a report “Environment for Europe: The Second
Assessment” in which he made a detailed analysis and assessment of environment
condition in Europe and identified tendencies, achievements and problems. The
report revealed that on the whole, the ecological load on nature decreased, the
quality of environment in Europe slightly improved. The report also revealed
the necessity for additional efforts in the following sectors of economy:
- increase in the number
of transport causes problems of air pollution, climatic changes, noise, traffic
jams, and decrease in biodiversity. A development of public transport,
non-motor and water transport is stimulated;
- agriculture requires
considerable efforts to decrease ecological impact of agricultural practices,
neutralization of ecological consequences of intensive development of animal production
systems ;
it is necessary to
introduce energy conservation technologies, develop renewable energy resources
it is necessary to study
the influence of used chemicals on human health and the environment;
intensify efforts to
prevent soil degradation, efforts aimed at soil conservation and detoxication
of contaminated areas;
prevent a further growth
of ecological pressure on biodiversity of natural resources, increase actions
under the Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy.
The Conference approved a joint statement of the
Ministers of Environment of Central Asia who expressed the necessity of mutual
cooperation, coordination of joint efforts and prepared a joint document
“Central Asia: ecological assessment”. The Conference also approved the
intention of the parties to organize a Regional Environmental Center (REC) for
Central Asian Countries, that will be an analogue of the Center in Hungary for
the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, for the NIS countries in Kishenev,
Kiev, Moscow and Tbilisi. The extension of the European Union created economic
and ecological problems and stimulate for improvement of ecological situation
in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and newly independent
states (NIS).
The Conference noted a
significant role of non-governmental organizations (NGO) as a connecting link
between the governments and the public, and their active actions in the
processes of making decisions on ecological issues, discussion of projects and
creation of public ecological opinion that are of importance for strengthening
democracy in Europe. The rights of NGOs are significantly strengthened after
signing the Aarhus Convention that sealed the rights of citizens to access to
any ecological information and allows all conscious citizens and NGOs to
fulfill their environment protection and improvement duty in the interests of
the current and future generations.
The Conference finds the
mechanism of ecological monitoring coordination, information collection and
dissemination in the European region to be not effective enough. The next
Conference was recommended to convene in four years in 2002 by the tenth
anniversary of the Conference in Rio. The host country of the Conference might
be one of the NIS countries. A report on improvement of monitoring system and
liquidation of negative ecological changes in a number of countries CEE will
have been prepared by this time. The material “Environment for Europe”
facilitated the strengthening of dialogue and cooperation in the field of
ecology in Europe. This ecological model developed in Europe can successfully
be used in other countries, therefore, conclusions and recommendations should
be widely disseminated and introduced. The international financial and donor
organizations are recommended to render assistance to the NIS countries with
transitional economies and experiencing financial difficulties in
implementation of ecological projects, particularly, in development of pilot
and demonstrative projects, especially on transboundary global facilities.
Water: A Looming Crisis?
International Conference on World Water Resources at
the Beginning of the 21st Century
(UNESCO, Paris, June
3-6, 1998)
The current Conference was organized in the framework
of the International Hydrological Program, UNESCO. The role of water as a vital
resource for ensuring future economic and social development of countries
increases. The countries of arid and semi-arid zones are facing the problems of
water sharing on transboundary rivers, use of underground water that has become
scarce and might provoke a conflict situation. The organizers of the UNESCO
Conference, The World Water Committee (WWC) and the International Association
of Hydrological Science (IAHS) hope that the material and recommendations of the
conference will help to overcome the difficulties of rational water resources
management for increase of living standards of mankind and prevention of the
coming crisis. The editorial staff of the bulletin conceives duty to acquaint
the ecologists, specialists in water management and others with the proceedings
of this Conference that is also topical for the Central Asian countries that
are passing through crisis due to unsustainable use of water resources. For the
reasons of space, we give a sample annotation of the most interesting reports
made at the conference. The contents of the works presented at the Conference:
A. – State of knowledge on water resources of the world
including both quantitative and qualitative aspects.
Section B.
Main themes of the conference
Theme 1.
Data and improvement of water resources assessment
16 reports were made.
Theme 2.
Water quality and environmental impact
12 reports were made.
Theme 3.
Impact of human activity on water resources
15 reports were made
Theme 4.
The extremes of water resources and their management
16 reports were made
Theme 5.
Economic and social aspects of Water Resources
17 reports were made
Professor I. A. Shiklomanov (Russia) presented new data on the dynamics of renewable water
resources on the continents. The author gave world water balance in view of
water consumption by sectors of economy and made a forecast for the future, to
2010-2025. The report analyses a long-term change and use of water resources
water reserves depending on climatic factors and social and economic
conditions. The modern water withdrawal in the world is 3750 km3/yr,
consumption – 2280 km3/yr. In the future water withdrawal will grow
by about 10-12% every decade and will have reached 5200 km3/yr by
2025. 86% of total water consumption falls on agriculture. In the future, this
value the role of agriculture will decrease due to increase in industrial and
municipal water consumption. By the year 2025 the irrigated area will have
increased by 76 mill ha or by 30%. The water use in industry will increase by
1,5 –3 times in different countries and it is assessed depending on the
specific water use per one ton of final products, one kilowatt of energy
consumption per one million roubles, etc. Municipal water consumption in big
modern cities is 300-600 liters/day, in developing countries, in social sector,
50-100 liters/day. Considerable increase in drinking water supply and
sanitation is observed in the Pacific Ocean countries, thus in China this value
increased from 20% in 1980 to 66% in 1988.
P. R. Epstein (USA) Water, the limiting factor for human development is
used in direct relation to health for agriculture, cooking and basic hygiene.
Morbidity and mortality from enteric disease are correlated with the quality of running water for domestic use, and the
geographic distribution of surface water has direct implications for diarrhea,
skin diseases as well as rodent-borne diseases like malaria, schistosomiasis, mosquito-borne
diseases like tropical fever and yellow fever and other diseases stemming from
Considerable climatic changes resulting from the
doubling of atmospheric CO2 alter the world’s hydrological cycle and
raise both evaporation and precipitation globally by 7-15%. The increase of the
cycle of droughts and floods have implications for agricultural production and
water-borne diseases. Extreme weather events have increased, thus in the US
heavy rain events have increased by 20% (>50 mm/day) Heavy rains and
flooding of the Mississippi affected the quality of water in Lake Michigan and
Milwaukee’s water cleaning system functioning in 1993. The result was over
400,000 cases of Cryptosporidious and over 100 deaths. In Latin America,
flooding is associated with outbreaks of cholera, salmonella and hepatitis.
Insects and rodents that quickly adjust to destabilized ecological environment
are biological indicators.
Wetlands (shallow water bodies) play an important role
of “a natural sanitary engineer” cleaning water from nitrogenous and other
pollution and creating favorable conditions for birds and fish. Urbanization
and agricultural production results in decrease of wetlands. Thus, California
has lost 91% of its wetland area. Salinization, water depletion, soil erosion,
waterlogging, deforestation are the chief signs of ecological stress. Better
water monitoring in lower reaches is necessary for assessment of water quality
impact on public health. Midstream and watershed surveillance with the use of
Remote sensing and Geographic Information System methodologies for climate
forecasting and development of risk maps should be more strict. Utilizing
sanitary engineers, microbiologists, epidemiologists and public health
officials and combining technologies can help to generate a Health Early
Warning System preventing epidemic spreading and mass public diseases.
W. Klohn (FAO) – Foodstuff requirements to satisfy hunger are small
in developing countries in comparison with the global volume of food produced and
the potential to increase production. The solution of these problems requires
consideration of other interrelated problems: improvement of socio-political
and economic condition, control over population growth, increase of
agricultural research, investment strategies and land fertility, optimal water
resources management, consideration of options of increase of food production,
processing, storage, marketing, and distribution, etc.
M. Meybeck (France). Despite regional and global efforts (since the 1970’s)
our knowledge of water quality and its pollution by organic substances and
metals is still much incomplete. Even in advanced industrialized countries very
high pollution levels can still be found (exceeding 10 to 50 times natural
background) for a number of metals such as As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Zn, NO3-,
NH4+, PO4-3, and they peaked in the
1970’s and 1980’s. Ammonia, faecal coli and dissolved oxygen issues have
improved as the result of construction of water-treating facilities. Nitrate
pollution attributable to the use of agricultural fertilizers continues to
increase in all rivers of Western Europe. In the Former Soviet Union
significant water quality improvement is not always observed and worsening of
water quality is locally observed, for example, Lake Sevan and in Central Asia.
The experience of developed countries shows that the recovery time of aquatic
ecosystems takes 2 or 3 times as much as the contamination period particularly
for large lakes and groundwaters (renewal time from 10 too 100 years). By making
use of optimization models, it is necessary to assess and forecast global
chemical, physical and biological changes of water resources allowing for
future climatic changes, population growth, and water consumption dynamics. At
the present time, the most sensitive areas with fast growing populations, water
resources depletion and limited pollution controls including Middle East,
Central Asia, Northern Mexico and South West USA, parts of India, Brazil, China
and the southern Mediterranean region are in the center of attention of
International Organizations (WHO/UNEP, 1991).
Robarts, Richard D. (WHO and UNEP,
Global monitoring of water resources). The study of water quality, establishment of criteria of its assessment
are indispensable for improvement of environmental control laws and regulation.
Waterborne diseases involve a variety of bacteria, viruses and protozoans.
Little knowledge of the distribution of these microorganisms in water systems
does not contribute to establishment of criteria and guideline values for them.
According to WHO, infectious diseases caused 3 million deaths in 1995, 80% if
these in children less than 5 years of age. 99 million reported
gastrointestinal infections in the US of which as many as 33% may involve
exposure to water-borne pathogens. The damage from these diseases (medical
costs and lost labur productivity) have been estimated to cost $23 billion per
year in the US alone. During the water quality control operations in 72
municipalities in Canada protozoen
patogten Giardia cysts were found in 21% of raw water samples, in 18,2% of
clean water samples and in 73% of sewage samples. The existing methods of
determination of pathogenic elements in drinking water are rather expensive.
The cost of analytical determination with the use of immunofluorescence assay
method or that of cytometric cell sorting is $175-275. The WHO is concerned
about the emergence of some 29 new diseases in the last 20 years that are badly
studied yet and require urgent measures to detect them and stop their spread.
J. K. Sial and S. Mahmood (Pakistan) – The use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture in
Pakistan up to 56-125 kg/ha contributes to contamination of underground water
and drinking water sources. The rural population that mainly uses (up to 60-70%)
small wells is subjected to groundwater contamination. The situation worsens
given that 30% of 16,4 mil ha of irrigated land are drowned and have watertable
within 150 cm from ground surface. The authors experimentally proved that by
applying different methods such as mechanical soil cultivation (cultivation and
plowing) and irrigation regime, the nitrogenous fertilizer leaching and
filtration water beyond 120 - 150 cm could be considerably reduced.
G. M. Chernogaeva, N.I. Koronkevich
(Russia) – made an analysis of
water resources use and change in water quality in Russia for the period of
1965 – 1995. The economic crisis in Russia influenced water consumption and
river water quality. On the whole, in 1995 GNP decreased by 40%, industrial
production went down by 50-55%, agricultural production decreased by 35%. The
volume of water consumption on the whole decreased by 20% as compared with
1989. Industrial and agricultural water consumption went down by 30-35% while
the volume of reused water decreased by 20%. The total volume of waste
effluents in Russia decreased by 1,3 times, while runoff contamination
decreased only by 1,15 times. The main sources of waste water contamination
include municipal economy (51%), industry (35%) and agriculture (13%). Owing to
simultaneous decrease in efficiency of water protection measures, decrease in
water consumption did not result in improvement of quality of river waters;
moreover, a more sever river contamination by oil products, metallurgical,
chemical industry and heat-power engineering runoffs was observed.
E.Z. Stakhiv (USA) – The US Army Corps of Engineers made an assessment
and forecast of water resources use in the basins of seven US rivers and the
impact of different scenarios of climate change on dynamics of water resources.
Sound contemporary water management can adapt to different scenarios of water
change that are inaccurately forecasted so far. Climate change forecasting for
the year 2060 show significant data scattering in four models in terms of both
decrease and increase of river runoffs. Climate changes can be compensated by
other social-economic measures. A complex of effective water resources
management should include new monitoring data, rules of control and operation,
modern technologies that serve to balance of available water and demand.
Forecast indicators should be constantly corrected when long-term forecasts are
made. Thus, the most recent population projections (UN, 1998) significantly
differ from projections made six years ago (1992). Birth rates and fertility
rates have dropped dramatically in 19 developing countries among which are
China, Brazil, Thailand and Malaysia.
C. Yangbo (China) – The Northern China is the main zone of cotton and
wheat production and advanced economy suffers from severe scarcity of water
resources reaching 70 km3/yr. The water resources per capita is 442
m3 a year, with average values for all China being 2500 m3
per capita. To ensure future water supply to this region the Three Gorges
Project will be carried out. At the first stage, the project will supply the
region with 30 km3 of water per year from the southern regions that
have excess of water resources. At the second stage of construction, the water
to be transferred is about to 70 km3 per year. The construction of
facilities began in 1994 and will be completed in 17 years. The volume of the
Three Gorges Reservoir is 39,3 km3, the height of dam is 175 m. It
will be built in midstream of Yangtze River and become the largest hydroproject
in the world with discharge capacity of 116000 m3/sec. The reservoir
will connect the Yangtze with the Xiangxi River basin.
P. Vakkilainen, O. Varis (Finland)– The forecast of water resources use, foodstuff,
urbanization and population growth should take into account many uncertainties
and unpredictability of economic growth, political, social, climatic and
ecological changes of the world market. 1970’s are characterized by growth of
cultivated and irrigated lands and total volume of foodstuff outstripping the
population growth. For the last years, a trend towards decrease of foodstuff
and wheat production per capita to the level of 1970’s has become evident. In
developing countries urbanization growth contributive to decrease of rural
population from 80% to 50% takes place. By the year 2025 the rural population
decrease will have reached 30%. The GDP of the countries of South and South
East Asia forecasted by the World Bank showed 4,5% growth. However, currencies
in these countries dramatically gone down (up to 80% of their value) due to
financial crisis. Asia Africa, Latin America and the CIS countries suffer the
same instabilities that are reflected throughout today’s globalizing world.
Political instability brought about civil wars in the countries of the Nile
basin (with the exception of Egypt), and other regions of the world. People
making decisions in their countries should take into account
interdisciplinarity and integration in global water assessments. Water
resources use should be considered in closer connection with social, economic,
financial, environmental, political and institutional issues. In developing
countries more attention should be paid to capital investments in agriculture,
food self-sufficiency; it is necessary to produce products as close to
consumers as possible. Developed countries should decrease the level of trade
barriers, and extend soft credits to developing countries.
O. Varis (Finland) – An attempt was made to analyze the condition of
global water resources that are under pressure – hunger, poverty and global
urbanization. Materials on key areas were collected and analyzed: China, South
Asia, South East Asia, the Nile Basin countries, and the Sahel West Africa. The
time horizon is from 1970 to 1990. A forecast up to 2025 was also made. For a
comparative assessment of the analyzed regions single criteria by six
indicators were used: 1) water resources scarcity; 2) population structure; 3)
population growth rates; 4) urbanization and megacity growth; 5) population
income by gradations. Quantitative assessment of forecasted water resources
that takes into account integral interdisciplinary approach to interaction with
nature, technology and society hasn’t been completed yet.
D. Prinz, S. Wolfer (Germany) – Increase of water resources scarcity in arid zone
requires the revival of traditional ancient methods of water conservation in
rainy season and its use in drought periods in the zones of dry land farming.
Traditional technique may include:
Better use of rainfall:
a) minimization of runoff losses (in combination with increased infiltration);
b) collection and concentration of rainfall; c) minimization of evaporation and
transpiration losses; better use of rainwater by plants
Use of fog and dew: a)
by collection of fog drips; b) dew harvesting
Use of underground water
without water lifting: a) creation of quanat systems; b) artesian wells; c)
horizontal wells
These systems were have been practiced in many dry and
semi-dry zones in Northern Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Latin America and
other countries since millennia. For example, in Iran there are still 40000
quanats with total length of underground wells up to 270000 km that supply 35%
of the country’s water. These ancient methods of water conservation should be
modernized with contemporary technical achievements in mind, and the
modernization itself should be accompanied by hydrological and climate forecast
of water resources and economic use.
International Seminar on Issues of
Rational Use of Water
and Energy Resources in the Central Asian
on nature protection policy and technologies – USAID,
July 20-24, 1998)
The heads of Ministries
of Agriculture and Water Management, energy and environment, water bodies of
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan conducted meetings on July
20-24, 1998, Lake Issik-Kul, for discussion of issues of rational use of water
and energy resources of the Central Asian Region. The Seminar considered the
issues of implementation of the Agreement of March 17, 1998 on the Integrated
Use of Water and Energy resources of the Syr-Darya River Basin allocated for
five years with annual correction of complex use of water and energy resources
of the Narin-Syrdarya cascade of water reservoirs (for 1998).
The Republic of
Tadjikistan expressed its wish to join the existing agreements. The Meeting was
conducted with the financial assistance of the American Agency for
International Development (USAID) and technical cooperation of the USAID
Project on Nature Protection Policy and Technologies (NPPT). For preliminary
basis of exchange of fuel and power and water resources the Agreement takes
into account 1994-1997 bilateral agreements as well as adherence of heads of
five Central Asian states to sustainable development of the Aral Sea basin. The
participants of the Seminar expressed their wish to intensify the activities of
the Commission for Sustainable Development under the International Fund for the
Aral Sea Basin (IFAS) in accordance with the principles of the Nukus (1995) and
Almaty (1997) Declarations The Seminar also approved a joint statement of the
Ministers of Ecology of Central Asia on mutual cooperation, preparation of a
report “Central Asia: Ecological Assessment” as well as their wish to set up a
Regional Environmental Center (REC) for the countries of Central Asia, which
were presented at the Fourth Conference of Ministers “Environment for Europe
(Aarhus, Denmark, June 23-25, 1998). Considering the experience of their work
in the Syr-Darya River basin, the participants of the Seminar worked out a
proposal to prepare an Interstate Agreement on Rational Use of Water and Energy
Resources of the Amu-Darya River and invited Turkmenistan to join this
Agreement. The experts of the USAID Project on Nature Protection Policy and
Technologies (NPPT) carried out a number of surveys on current implementation
of Agreement and that of in perspective including (1) creation of general
information data base that will be the basis for making current decisions on
the Syr-Darya river basin; (2) variants of solutions of possible disputes in
the framework of the Agreement on the Syr-Darya river basin on the basis of the
international experience; (3) examples of the international experience in the
policy of water quality control on regional scale and their possible use in
Central Asia; (4) economic aspects of implementation of Agreement on the
Syr-Darya River, the experience of Central Asia as well as other countries, the
USA in particular, in the field of water price formation. The Meeting worked
out an Action Plan finalizing the dates of implementation of the Agreement on
the Use of Water and Energy Resources of the Syr-Darya River basin. Working
parties in charge of modeling and creation of information database for decision
making in the field of the Syr-Darya River water and energy resources
management were organized. The analogous working party will be organized to
solve the problems of river water quality control. The USAID confirmed its
intention to support the Executive Committee of the Interstate Council and cooperating
organizations in the cause of further development of the region, mutual
understanding and other relations between the countries of Central Asia through
conclusion of interstate agreements and the practice of the use of water and
energy resources in transboundary river basins. Further, it is necessary to
take steps to ensure implementation of the Agreement of March 17, 1998 on the
Syr-Darya River Basin and other measures aimed at improvement of water and
energy resources management in the Central Asian Region.
(the USAID Review)
For many years transboundary rivers the Danube, the
Elbe, the Ganges, the Indus, the Mekong the Parana, the Rhine, the Colorado,
the Rio Grande, the Syr-Darya, the Yarmuk, the Nile and others have been the
sources of conflict due to water resources deficit, industrial and agricultural
pollution, growth of water salinity, power engineering and irrigation conflict
of interests, extreme floods, uncoordinated water resources dam, reservoir
management, reservoir silting, river bank scour, loss of recreation zones and
other factors. Due to the lack of unified international water management, water
use and water sharing laws that would take into consideration conflicting
demands of different countries and different water users, in practice this
complex process is regulated by international agreements and on voluntary
compensation basis allowing for the interests of all states of the river basin.
Illustrative examples are given below:
Doctrines of resolving conflicts: absolute territorial sovereignty; absolute
territorial integrity of the region; top-priority water use; limited
territorial sovereignty and limited territorial integrity of the region,
community of interests; just water use; maximum mutual benefit.
Absolute territorial sovereignty: The state has the right to use any amount of water
flowing into its territory for use or liquidation of pollution. This doctrine
is characteristic of some developing countries.
Absolute territorial integrity of the region: the state situated in the downstream of the river
claim the right to continuous supply of clean water in fixed amount from the
states situated in the upstream water. This doctrine is characteristic of the
attitude of Egypt over streamflow of the Nile. The availability of a strong
army to support the given doctrine promotes the doctrine.
Top-priority water
use: the first users have
the right to continuous use of water resources; the right to water may be
transmitted provided that the transmission of rights didn’t inflict damage on
other water users. The Colorado River and many other rivers in arid areas may
serve as an example of top priority water use.
Limited territorial integrity of the region,
sovereignty: every state has
the right to use water flow located in its territory provided that this water
use does not inflict damage on the territories or interests of other states;
the given doctrine acknowledges the rights and responsibilities of states in
the water use issues and illustrates the most general approach; the doctrine
favors both historical water users and traditions of water use.
Community of interests: None of the states has the right to use water
resources that are in its jurisdiction without consultations and cooperation
with the states situated in downstream. This doctrine is characteristic of the
position of the European Union.
Just water use: every state of the river basin has the right to a reasonable and just share
of water resources for use and liquidation of pollution, readiness to take into
consideration the needs of other states. This doctrine is characteristic of
distribution of water from the Mississippi and other rivers among certain
states in the USA. The water of several rivers is distributed among the states
basing on this doctrine.
Maximum mutual benefit: the attempts to guarantee water supply to the most
valuable consumers in the basin of the river; the water consumers effect
payments, which are a partial or full compensation to those who pay attention
to historical distribution of water resources. This doctrine is characteristic
of water supply management is realized in the Central California Valley Project
and in the Agreement on the Use of Water Resources of the Basin of the
Syr-Darya River.
The Rhine River: flows through Switzerland, Germany, France, Luxembourg and Netherlands;
there were signed chronologically the First International Forum (agreement) in
1950; the Bern Convention (based on the International Law) – 1963; Convention
on Chemical Substances and Chloride Protection; approval of action plan on a
ministerial level (achieve 50% decrease in each of 50 chemical substances by
1995) – 1987.
The Jordan River: flows through the territory of Syria, Israel, Jordan;
some problems are identified here including the problem of water flow
distribution, growth of water salinity, industrial pollution, municipal and
agricultural discharges, conflicts over wetland drain, water intake, dam
construction. Multilateral economic conferences were held, a general plan
“Jordan Rift Valley” was proposed where the role of the third countries –
concessions of the strong participants to weaker ones is significant.
The Colorado River: There were signed the 1994 Treaty between the USA and
Mexico on distribution of water flow. Mexico receives 1,85 km3, the
USA – 18,5 km3; introduction of amendments to the Treaty on Quality
of Water (mainly on water salinity); realization of the Treaty (the Treaty also
includes water-treating facilities on the border with the USA).
The Danube River: 17 participating countries. Malicious polluters are
industry of Romania and agriculture of Germany; the most serious problem is
industrial pollution as well as municipal and agricultural discharges;
significant studies were made and assistance offered by a third party; there is
still no any general agreement, there is only a Bilateral Treaty on Protection
of the Black Sea between Romania and Bulgaria.
General issues of transboundary water quality control: political questions should be settled in the first
place; the states agree to study the water quality condition. It is necessary
to establish an organization that will work out recommendations; the
recommendations should take into consideration scientific and economic aspects
(the price of clean water and capacity to pay); the states approve the
recommendations and realize the action plan.
Water quality control: the expenses are likely to exceed the benefits of
many programs aimed at improvement of water quality; the goals of improvement
the water quality are not achieved; many problems of water pollution are
difficult to resolve; the current policy of control is likely to increase the
gap between expenses and benefits.
Economic instruments of water quality control: payments and charges for effluents discharge
(collected in many countries including the Central Asian countries). These
payments are often not high enough to achieve the desired result; permission to
discharge effluents may be an example of trade (USA and Australia); payments
for pollutants (such as fertilizers and pesticides); subsidies for investments
into control over industrial, municipal and agricultural pollution sources; a demand
for accountability (the list of toxic discharges in the USA and the
corresponding programs in Australia, Great Britain, Denmark, Mexico and other
countries); responsibility for damage inflicted on natural resources by toxic
pollutants and petroleum compounds discharge.
Possible ways to use market approaches in Central
Asia: demand for
accountability (for example, introduce water quality control data into
Internet); payment for discharge (used in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan).
If the amount of payments sufficient? What is the trend in changes?
Responsibility for damage inflicted by severe pollution (in Central Asia it is
used in respect of material wealth but not in respect of natural resources);
payments for pollutants; subsidies to municipal treatment facilities and for
improvement of agriculture.
What is the future? Maximization of mutual benefits
with the help of economic instruments: available water resources of the river basins are put up for an auction
or sold to the buyers who offered the biggest bid. The nature is considered as
a buyer with capital based on calculated value of natural environment; external
impact of pollution is controlled by means of decrease in the volume of
discharge in order to improve the water quality; the right to discharge a
limited amount of pollutants is sold to the buyers who offered the biggest bid;
in the correction period the buyers receive compensation.
Presumable results:
the states will draw sufficient income (distribution among states is a
political question); economic values created by water will significantly
increase; there will be enough water for those who really need it. There will
not be shortage of water, the agricultural activity will decrease, while
industrial and municipal water use will increase. The nature will win.
International Seminar on Regional Cooperation
on Water and Energy Resources Use in Central Asia
(Issik-Kul, July 1-4,
1998, Soros Foundation)
Over 60 specialists from the Central Asian countries, OSCE,
USA. Canada, Poland, Australia, Moldavia, the Ukraine, Russia and other
countries participated in the meeting. The participants analyzed the immediate
situation in water and energy resources in the Aral Sea Basin, identified the
necessary technical and organizational measures to ride out the economic crisis
and discussed the issues of monitoring and water resources contamination,
introduction of pay water use in branches of national economy, particularly in
irrigated farming. Owing to the ecological accident on the Barckaun river
(falling into Lake Issik-Kul) on May 23, when 1762 kg of sodium cyanide were
discharged into the river from containers used in gold mining by CAMECO, a
Canadian company, on high mountain mine field. The participants also discussed
the issues of impact of mining industries and their wastes on surface and
underground water contamination. Natural calamities in the form of mud flow,
earthquakes and anthropogenic impacts including transport, construction and
exploitation effects represent a danger of breaches of slurry reservoirs and
tailing dumps and increase of filtration from their beds.
In most of the
river basins in the territory of Central Asia there are historically developed
water management systems based on the conditions of joint use of water
resources and communion of interests of people inhabiting it. A huge complex of
unique hydrotechnical constructions, dams and water reservoirs built through
decades made it possible to reach a high level of river flow regulation, particularly
that of the Syr-Darya river basin and provided conditions for vital activity
for tens of millions of people living here. The existing water management
complex transforms the natural water regime to meet changing in time
requirements of different water users, irrigated farming, power engineering,
industry, domestic water supply, and natural ecological systems (the Aral Sea,
river deltas, etc.).
Conjunctive use of water and energy resources of the
rivers’ basin is impossible without effective management system ensuring a
normal operation and development. The existing management system requires
improvement adjusted to new political and economic realia, which in their turn
require reconsideration of regulations on shared water use.
There are no unified and generally recognized norms of
water use on trans-boundary rivers in the world, many legal questions are still
awaiting their solution and trigger off conflicts between states. Solution of
these questions is hindered by water laws adopted by the states and by
approaches to property law that increase separatism and do not contribute to
rapprochement of views on shared water use conditions. On the other hand, the
countries of the basin rivers try to avoid energy dependence on each other
preferring less efficient energy facilities (heat power industry) located in
their own territories.
Head of Governments signed a number of agreements,
established interstate structures aimed at decreasing water management
resources pressure in the Aral Sea basin, development, use, protection and
management of water resources, operative annual correction plans of water use
depending on forecasts of water content of the river basins. In 1992 an
Agreement on Cooperation in the field of joint management, use and protection
of water resources of interstate resources was signed in Almaty, and the
Interstate Water Management Commission was established; in 1993 an Agreement on
Joint Efforts on Solution of the Aral Sea and the Aral Sea Zone problems,
Ecological Rehabilitation and Provision of Socioeconomic Development of the
Aral Sea Region was signed in Kysil-Orda; in 1994 the necessity for a
contemporary water division was stated in Nukus. Later, at the level of Prime
Ministers of the four republics the Executive Committee of Interstate Council
for solution of practical questions of water resources management and
protection was established. On March 17, 1998 an Agreement on the Use of water
and energy resources of the Syr-Darya River Basin as well as a Bilateral
Agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan on Further Development of
Hydropower Resources of the Narin River Basin were signed by Prime Ministers.
In compliance with these agreements, the creation of irrigation regime for the
Toktogul water reservoir located in Kyrgyzstan use in summer is compensated by
electric power and fuel supply by Uzbekistan and Kazahstan.
The Central Asian Region is characterized
by rich mineral resources base that has stimulated an intensive development of
mining and processing industries for the last 40-50 years. Coal, copper, zinc,
lead and uranium concentrations, gold, mercury and antimony, etc. were
intensely mined with application of imperfect technological techniques of
processing and the use of mainly open methods, without proper nature protection
measures. These facilities are more often located in the mountain and piedmont
zones, in upper reaches where a high seismicity, probability of mud flow,
landslide phenomena increasing the risk of tailing dumps and slurry reservoirs
are observed. Most of these accumulators of toxic substances are constructed
without satisfactory antifiltration cover or just without it and this results
in underground water contamination.
The biggest mining facilities are located in
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan. Particular grave danger for river water
contamination represent tailing dumps of the Kumtor gold mining plant located
at the absolute height of 4000 m which prospective volume of cyanide-bearing waste
is up to 100 mil m3 (I. T. Aitmatov, I. A. Torgoev et al., 1998).
This facility is in the zone of regional and global warming, pulsation of
glaciers, mudflows and floods of glaciological origin, let alone high regional
Mining of antimony (Kadamjoi settlement) and mercury (Haidarkan and
Chauvai settlements) in the upper reaches in the Fergana Valley contaminate the
Isfaramsai, the Shahimardan, the Isfara, the Sokh rivers and tributaries of the
Syr Darya river with arsenic, lead, barite, zinc, chromium, nickel, cadmium and
other salts. In the Northern part of the Valley there are polymetal tailing
dumps of the Sumsar mining plant from which 50 thou m3 of waste
containing heavy metals was washed out by flood. The Shekaftar uranium mining
plant also located near Sumsar plant; its non-recultivated tailings dumpted the flood plain. In the middle
reach of the Maili-Su River, a tributary of the Syr Darya River there is
uranium processing waste that is stored in 23 tailing pits and 13 surface dumps
of non-conditioned ores, the total volume of which is 4 mil tons. The stored
radioactive wastes were from a local uranium mining plant and were also brought
from other regions of Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia
and other countries. The activization of geological processes represents a
threat of tailing and surface dump destruction their washout and contamination
of the Syr-Darya River.
There are over 650 mining enterprises, plants and oil fields, mines and
open-pit mines; moreover, their number continues to grow. The total volume of
wastes in different storage sites reaches 2 billion tons of which 1,3 billion
tons falls on mining and processing complexes (National Report of State
Committee for Nature Protection, Republic of Uzbekistan, 1996). The biggest
facilities include the Almalyk metallurgical plant mining copper and zinc and
producing copper-zinc compounds, the Navoi plant mining gold and producing
uranium concentrates, and the Angren bevey coal fields. Some of these
facilities are radioactive. Uranium has been mined in Yangiabad, Uchkuduk,
Chorkesar for thirty years. All these mining plants face the problem of waste
The Zarafshan River
Valley is characterized by high anthropogenic pressure attributive to
operations of mining and processing industries and other branches of national
economy. Before construction of a storage reservoir the pulp from the Anzob
antimony plant (Tadjikistan) was washed out into the Yagnob River, in the upper
riches of the Zerafshan River, during flood periods for a long time. At the
present time, a gold mining plant was recently built in this zone. In the lower
reach of the Zerafshan River, in the South ore mining plant uranium ore was
mined, and in Ingichka settlement wolfram ore was mined. Gold, uranium, and
phosphorite ore is mined and processed in the Navoi Region. In the lower reach
of the Zerafshan River in the Bukhara Region gas was recovered in big volumes
for gas supply of the European part of the former Soviet Union and the Ural
industry; today, oil recovery and processing is underway there. Transition of
the Central Asian countries towards market economy, scarcity of means and
capital investments into monitoring, assessment of ecological impact of the
above-mentioned facilities on natural environment, surface and ground water
contamination, determination of damage inflicted on national economy,
recultivation measures requires attention and means of international
organizations and donors.
Experience of Foreign Countries in Mining and the
Problems of Environment Protection
Development of mining industry tells on environment. The World practice
has many examples when mining corporations contaminate water, destroy lands and
“vanish” failing to rehabilitate them and leaving moon landscapes if there are
no strict nature protection limitations and requirements, and ecological
monitoring. The US experience in ore filed exploitation going back to the past
is of interest to us. The new legislation on nature protection framed here for
the last twenty years that regulates the mining processes has become one of the
strictest in the world. Many new legislative acts were a response to accidents
on mines and catastrophes that took place there and cost much to the state and
companies economically and ecologically. The analysis of a number of accidents
on the mines illustrates a negative impact of metal mining on ecology and
public health. Only in Colorado State alone, there are over 20 thousand mines
that are left without recultivation and about 12 watercourses contaminated with
salts of heavy metals exceeding the norms and have high acidity. The total
waste of the US mining industry amounts to 620 mil tons per year (the Institute
of the World Analysis, 1996). Gold was particularly intensively mined in the US
and its volume increased from 3 tons in 1980 up to 30 tons in 1990. Moreover,
acutely toxic sodium cyanide is used for separation of gold from powder ore.
The volume of its use for this period increased up to 125000 tons. Some
examples of accidents are given below.
Cyanide spill from the tailing pond base (0,5 mil m3) at the
Summitville mine in Colorado (1992) contributed to contamination of 27 km of
the Alamosa River, a tributary of the Rio Grande River and inflicted damage of
$50 million on the environment, wildlife and farmers of the St Louis. The
company worked in compliance with the old legislative requirements and did not
furnish a security deposit for recultivation and construction of water-treating
facilities, therefore, the state assumed all expenses incidental to
recultivation and construction of water-treating facilities after the company
went bankrupt. In 1995, a retaining wall of a tailing pond at the Omai gold
Mine failed, releasing four million m3 of cyanide laced waste into
the Omai and Essequibo rivers. Within three days, the toxic water traveled 80
km downstream ruining all animate nature. In 1990, after extremely heavy rains,
a similar failure occurred at Brewer gold mine in South Carolina causing 45
thousand m3 of sodium cyanide to flood a tributary of the Lynches River.
COMINCO company, Alaska, paid a $4,7 million fine for contamination of surface
and underground water at Red Dog Mine, the biggest lead and zinc mine field,
violation of Clean-Water Law and the damage inflicted on fish sprawnings.
Moreover, $3 million of this sum the company will spend on the Nature
Conservation Project. Strong environment laws and public demands forced NEW
WORLD MINE Company to stop gold mining next to Yellowstone National Park.
President of the USA, Bill Clinton prohibited gold mining there stating that
Yellowstone is more costly than gold.
The Associated Press Agency and other newspapers called the B. Clinton’s
action “an example of responsible attitude of the government to people”. Even stringent
standards do not save natural resources from contamination, therefore, big
companies ”sparing their nature” concentrated their efforts in other countries
where ecological laws and their observance are not so strict, and where the
role of NGOs is not yet significant, particularly on Russia, Central Asia and
other developing countries.
The Republics of Central Asia should use a foreign experience of nature
protection structures and mining companies in their practice:
1. Introduction of compulsory security
deposit and its annual correction after consideration of the real damage
inflicted on environment. In the US the sum of security deposit reaches $8-24
million. The security deposit is returned after a complete recultivation of
Demand for annual
companies’ report on nature protection measures, monitoring and recultivation
Financing nature
protection inspectors, the public and lawyers for the period of mining facility
construction at the expense of companies
Creation of training
sites on recultivation of all types of mining pilot sites and mines on the
A. It is necessary that the project
documentation on mine field exploitation include a program of background survey
(ecological assessment of the territory, components of ecosystems, ecological
monitoring, etc.); contingency plan for emergency situations; recultivation
plan; information about public listeners’ result
B. A special attention should be paid to completeness
and thoroughness of project documentation submitted to specialists for
ecological assessment, particularly the location of mine element; availability
of underground water, river network, amount precipitation data on the drainage
system and mine water pumping, pulp transportation into containment pond,
location of the plant relatively the tailing pond, the system of groundwater
protection; location of storing area for rockfall, the system of daily quality
control over underground, surface, ground and drainage water.
C. At the stage of design, building and operation of
mining plant it is necessary to attract highly qualified specialists to
cooperation; to constantly exchange experience, increase the level of knowledge
of miners and the workers of nature protection companies.
of Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development
the Central Asian States (ICSD)
(May 19, 1998,
The meeting held on
May 18-20, 1998 at the State Committee of Nature Protection of Uzbekistan was
attended by 44 participants including the Ministers or Chairmen of Committees
for Environment Protection of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan,
Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, the Heads of Scientific Informational Center (SIC) of
ICSD), representatives of the UN Economic Commission, Tasic, World Bank,
Embassy of the USA and NGOs. The meeting discussed the following questions:
Organizational issues
regarding the composition of the ICSD.
Report on the Activities
of the Secretariat of the ICSD and RIC of the ICSD.
Implementation of the Action
Plan of the ICSD approved at the meetings in Bishkek on August 28, 1996 and in
Almaty on December 12, 1996.
Cooperation of the ICSD
with the UNDP Projects on the Aral Sea Basin.
Interaction of the ICSD
with the International Fund for saving the Ara Seal (IFAS) and the Interstate
Coordination Water Commission (ICWC).
Establishment of the
Regional Ecological Center (REC).
Consideration and
approval of the Action Plan of the ICSD for 1998 and for the future.
Consideration and
approval of the Action Plan of the SIC of the ICSD for 1998 and for the future
A resolution was made
to approve:
The Action Plan of ICSD
for 1998-1999 that includes the following projects on: a) formulation of
principles of assessment and indicators of sustainable development; b) working
out “Convention on Sustainable Development of the Aral Sea Basin”; c)
preparation for conduct of conferences and seminars on the problems of nature
protection policy and sustainable development.
In compliance with the
Resolution of the Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea
(March 12, 1998) on Financing of the SIC of the ICSD and its Branches in All
Republics (three persons) using the dues of founder-states, to work out a
regulation on interaction of ICSD and its SIC with the IFAS and ICWC. Convene a
meeting of the SIC of the ICSD and work out the Action Plan for 1998-1999.
Approve the
establishment of the Regional Ecological Center (REC) under the Ministry of
Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
It was proposed to begin the implementation of the
projects planned for 1998-1999 with financial assistance of the IFAS, the UNDP
Project “Development of potential of the Aral Sea”, Ministries and Committees
for Nature Protection of the five republics. Unfortunately, the Main SIC of the
ICSD and its divisions are still not fully staffed and do not function. This
situation remains unchanged since 1996 and all resolutions of the ICSD are
still not implemented; thus Resolution of the Heads of the Aral Sea Basin
countries, International Organizations (UNDP and others) on working out the UN
Convention on Sustainable Development in the Aral Sea Basin covering social,
economic and ecological problems of development (the Nukus and Almaty
Declarations) remains to be unrealized.
Meeting of Interstate Coordination Task Group on Joint
on Rehabilitation of Tailing Dumps
and Mining Wastes Making a Transboundary Impact
(Bishkek, August 6-7, 1998)
Since 1996-1997 the task
group has met at three meetings (Jalal-Abad, Osh, Andijan), at which they
discussed the transboundary object Maili-Suu in greater details, the group also
partially discussed the Sumsar, Shekaftar, Haidarkan and Kadamdjai facilities.
Uzbekistan’s Specialists have made radiological, engineering – geological
survey of uranium damps in Maili-Suu. On the whole, the current situation in
the Maili-Suu Valley does not represent any danger to the population except
tailings storage No 18 and ore tailings washed out by the river. As the
rockslide gains strength, the washout of tailing dumps No 3,5,7 with the volume
of toxicants of one million m3 becomes possible. It is necessary to
exercise control over the rockslide and prevent its movement, and to do repair
works to strengthen tailing dumps and to rehabilitate drainage system and drain
lines. The Kyrgyz party did reinforcement works in tailing dumps No 2,3,4,13.
The meeting adopted the program of works for 1998–2004:
first priority
trans-border facilities that require study and rehabilitation are eight
facilities – Maili-Suu, Aktyuz, Sumsar, Shekaftar, Kadamjai, Haidarkan, Degmai.
The facilities are located in Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan;
as regards Maili-Suu facility, it is
necessary to develop the following projects on: a) transference of radioactive
wastes to a safe place; b) strengthening of “Tektonic” rockslide; c)
continuation of monitoring of rockslide development, tailing dump
rehabilitation work, reconstruction of drain line systems;
making inventory of
tailing dumps and ore dumps and assess their qualitative composition and
technical condition, make maps of ecological risk for the basins of the
Syr-Darya, the Zerafshan, the Chu, the Pyandj and other rivers;
work out legislative and
normative acts that envisage legal regulation of the whole complex of works on
protection of the bowels of the earth and environment;
attract specialists from
Russia to participation in the planning works with participation finance
sharing of works, submit the materials of the projects on existing tailing
UNDP Regional Seminar on “Conception and Instruments
of Sustainable Development”
(July 6-10, 1998,
The Seminar organized in the framework of the UNDP
Project “Development of Potential of the Aral Sea Basin” was attended by the
representatives of the Research Information Center (RIC) of the Interstate
Commission for Sustainable Development in Central Asia (ICSD) and the National
Commission for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The following problems were discussed at the Seminar:
Integrated environment
Fundamentals of the
conception and instruments of sustainable development
Geographic Informational
Systems (GIS) and remote sensing methods (RS) of assessment of condition of environment
management. Examples of use of GIS and RS in development of the project on
environment of impact assesment (EIA) of the right bank collector along the Amu
Darya River
Economic resources
management, environmental assessment. Examples of rehabilitation of wetlands in
the Aral Sea coastal zone
Demonstrational model:
a) the Rhine Convention and the use of STREAM Program as an instrument for
making decisions on river basin management; b) use of the CCX-DSS Program for
assessment of climate change and greenhouse effect on water resources
Training on integral
assessment and environment management (the use of EIA as an instrument for
planning and assessment; use of indicators of sustainable development, regional
conferences, social and legal aspects)
Appendix 1
Calendar of International
Conferences on Environment
The Editoral Board of Bulletein “Problems
of Sustainable Development” thanks Scientific Advisory Board for the Aral Sea
Scientific-informational Centre of Interstate Commission for Sustainable
Development (SIC ICSD), Tashkent Club of International Fund “ECOSAN”, National Committee of
Uzbekistan on UNESCO Programme “Man
and the Biosphere” (MAB) for their
The members of the Board express
their heartfelt appreciation to Regional Representative of UNESCO on Education and Communication (Almaty) for organisational and financial support for issuing this
Editoral Board
Chief Editor:
R.Razakov - Director of the Centre Ecology of Water Management,
National Coordinator of UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) in Uzbekistan, member of SABAS
Editorial Board Members:
A.Babaev - Head of the SIC ICSD for Central Asia, Turkmenistan
B.Tashmuhamedov - Chairman of the National Commitee of UNESCO
Programme “MAB” in Uzbekistan, member of SABAS
V.Veselov - Director of the Institute of Hydrogeology and
Hydrophysics, Kazahstan Academy of Science, member of SABAS
D. Mamatkanov - Director of Institute for Water Problem and
Hydropower of Kyrgyzstan Academy of Science, member of SABAS
D.Pachadjanov - Chairman of Department of Physics, Mathematics,
Chemistry and Geology of the Presidium of Tadjikistan Academy of Science,
member of SABAS
T.Iskanderov -
Director of Analytical Centre of Turkmenistan Academy of Science, member of
Centre “Ecology of Water Management” under Nature
Protection Committee
the Republic of Uzbekistan
13A Usman Nasir str.
552539, 544617
* Continuation. The beginning was published in Bulletin «Problems of Sustainable Development», Issue 2, Tashkent, 1998. Source: Indicators of Sustainable Development Framework and methodologies. 1996. NewYork. UN Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD).
* UNEP/ISRIC. 1988. Guidelines for General Assessment of the Status of Human-induced Soil Degradation
* Shiklamanov I.A. Global Renewable Water Resources in: Proceedings of the Int. Conference on World Water Resources at the Beginning of the 21st Century. UNESCO 1998.
** Seckler D., Rock M. 1997. UN «low» projection of population growth most accurate IFPRI News & Views: A 2020 Vision for food, agriculture and the environment. Washington. Int. Food Policy Res. Inst.
* Gleick P.H. (1996) Basic Water Requirement for Human Activities: Meeting basic needs. Water International 21(2): 83-92.