Bioplan queries please contact:
Gillian Chalmers
212 906 6628
We would like to draw your attention to some recent updates to the BPSP Website:
a) Go to BPSP Thematic Links Page for Biosafety updates:
1) Ag Bio Tech InfoNet;
2) Ag Bio World
3) "Agricultural Biotechnology and the Poor" ;
4) Biosafety Information Network & Advisory Service (BINAS);
5) Biosafety Journal;
6) Biotechnology & Development Monitor;
7) Council for Biotechnology Information;
8) FAO *: The Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and
9) Monsanto
10) The Nuffield Council on Bioethics;
11) Union of Concerned Scientists - Genetic Engineering topic;
12) USDA;
13) Working Group on Environmental Justice.
And updates on Climate Change:
1) The Pew Center report, entitled ÊLand Use and Global
Climate Change: Forests, Land Management and the Kyoto
*NB : an e-mail message sent on 12 June to Bioplanners
with a
list of links to safety resources on the Web mentioned
2 links
under FAO -
These are
NOT yet operational.
Please use updated
link posted on BPSP site.
b) Go to BPSP Information
on National Biodiversity Planning to
find out more on :
- Status of GEF Enabling Activities;
- GEF Interim Assessment of Biodiversity EAs;
- Financing NBSAPs: GEF Enabling Activities - Guidelines and
BIOPLAN is an electronic list server established by the UNDP-UNEP implemented
Biodiversity Planning Support Programmme and maintained by UNDP-GEF to serve the
global community involved in planning for national implementation of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. To unsubscribe (remove yourself) from this list send a message to: with the subject line BLANK and the following text in the body of
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